Tazzie Tiger's Comments

I ADORE HIM AAAAAA QWQ He’s a BABY!! <3 What’s their personality like? Are they programmed with AI? And will you draw what their endo looks like? ^^

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! And oooh, honestly you’ve asked some reaLLY good questions, I havent thought that far regarding the AI thing!
As far as personality though, he’s a very sweet and open type, and just wants to be appreciated. He vaguely remembers his darker past, though I still have to elaborate on that.

And yES!! I absolutely plan to draw his inner-workings!! ;D

You're absolutely welcome!! And I'm glad I asked some good questions, I ALWAYS love talking about character development and learning how a character acts, and Tazzie's just such a good boy I'm so curious about him! >W<

Aaaah the baby boy!! QWQ I adore that personality! I bet he'd totally get along with my animatronic cat Furball, he's a fun loving feline with childlike innocence :D

YUSSSS I can't wait to see those inner workings!! It's gonna look great :D