
3 years, 6 months ago





If lifes hard it's probably because you're an idiot.

My mascot!!!! I lover her somch she is my favorite aout of NAYWONE anywhays basically she comes from the future to mess up the past with her partner that she force to become😼 She can have any job retchinallcy?? Mostly she is a hitman and just beats the shit out of anyone AHDHJA she becomes wanted everywhere and smells like rotting shit

I draw her outof charcter alot cuuzuzzzz i can SO IT RLY NOt MaTTER so yu can too HAHDJA




  • Sara is amoral and often sadistic. She is extremely dry, bitter, and has sarcastic sense of humor, as her jokes are usually dark, morbid, or straight up cruel. She normally says whatever she wants as she doesn't think about feelings like others do.
  • She's a control freak, annything she wants to do, she will do no matter the consequences to have it her way. If you want it any other way she will belittle you and minipulate till you do exactly what she says.
Name Z-NT-eD1
Alias Sara Evans
Age Ageless/Adult
Species A.I / Border Collie
Height 9'4"
Occupation ----
Voice claim GlaDoS


  • Control. Loves being in control, if anyone tells her what to do she becomes insecure for whatever reason
  • Fear. She love seeing others cower before her
  • Perfection. Despite the goal to mess things up, she has to do it in a very specific matter
  • Manipulate. She likes to make people feel shitty about themselves


  • Meaningless speech. She does not like listening to others talk nonsense, she'll either not listen or talk over you
  • Obscurity. She wants to be known among others
  • Idiocy. She can not handle those who are not on the same level as her
  • Confrontation. When others try to confront her it's so pathetic it's cute



  • Her vocabulary is alot like The Judge from OFF
  • She is so intelligent it pretty much creepy? You can go up to her and she would know everything on how to mess with you based on the way you walked in ( cuz shes a robto duh but idk LMAO 0) jsu tsmart in gerneral yknow can do shit others cant idk IDK WJHAYT
  • She can mimic voices very easily, but she always has her main she go back to which is Glados!
  • Always seen smiling
    • She has a hard time frowning, ??ummmmm idk why rn LOL HS Ejust dobeks maybe because of her like robot struceture
  • She's actually pretty quiet, and talks only when needed to, which is mostly creppily unexepected
Throughout time her skin rots away ( um and she always drool BUT IDK HOW TO like have it corropersonf to her rotting )
  • she probably has ravbies



I. Past

CHaning it!!!!! Not bu muc im jsut takin gout thefuture and past thing cuz thajts confusisng


She meets Erik, and withotu hesitation drags him along with, threatning his life if he does not do what she say.

II. Present


She and Erik start messing stuff up yknow idk blablablablbalblablballablbala and Asras life become worse. She now becomes noticed and is wanted along with Erik ( they become flagged as relaly dangerous people ) They continue to do their stuff


This is all wip for now i will add like moreeeee details later maybe maybenot idk



III. Future

Around this time she completely ruined Asra's life ( he goes crazy and dies ) and Eriks as well. ( She ruins him LFMAO he's all fucked up ) Sara having no intrest with Erik anymore leaves him behind to deal with the mess they ( basically she ) have made. Erik finally done with her bs he sturggles to find her and gets rid of her. ( SOMEHOW IDK HOW YET ) and yummmmmm he gets sent to likeprison or whatver it is called IDK HE GOE SINSANE HADJ OK END






Patnership / Idk / Idk

A very confusing relationship for Erik, however for Sara, it is nothing

Small quote or thought.


Host / DUmb / Dumb

Skins him, leaves, gives him paranoia and fucks his life up because she wants him to suffer

Small quote or thought.