


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




male (he/him)



Date of birth

September 14th

Sexual orientation


Skin colour


Eye colour

His right eye has a medium teal colour, his left one has only a very light teal and no pupil because he’s blind on that eye.

Hair colour

light ultramarine blue

Looks and style

Ilya’s hair is very short and falls into his face on one side – to cover his blind eye that he doesn’t want other people to notice. He loves to keep his hairstyle chaotic and messy since he can’t stand neatness. He loves wearing small earrings on both of his ears. Sometimes he wears black eyeliner. Under his lip, on the left side, he has a little black mark. Regarding clothing, he loves wearing colourful stuff that doesn’t necessarily always fit together that well. His clothes are often paint-stained since he’s an artist and never really takes care of where he puts his paint.


Ilya is quite self-confident and often has a kinda chaotic energy that has gotten him into trouble more than just once in his life. His creativity and constant daydreaming never seem to cease and he always finds a solution for problems. He loves being the center of attention and enjoys telling funny stories and jokes. Although he’s happy and loud most of the time, he also has a quiet side and can be quite melancholic from time to time – because he has lost his eyesight on his left eye in an accident a few years ago and he still suffers from this loss. Since he has trouble showing these emotions to others, he mostly hides them behind stupid jokes and fake smiles.


Ilya is a freelance artist and spends his days painting abstracts on huge canvases. Sometimes he also does small jobs as a photographer. He doesn’t earn a lot of money with his art yet, but he’s convinced that he’s on the verge of his big breakthrough.


Ilya’s biggest passion is creating art. Next to drawing and painting, he also loves spraying graffitti (which he mostly does at night in places where it isn’t allowed. He already was caught by the police several times during the process, but he still refuses to stop spraying his artwork all over the city). Next to creating art, he also loves partying, drinking and pulling occasional pranks on people. Also, he has a passion for plants (especially flowers) and loves collecting and taking care of them.


flowers (especially sunflowers), cats, partying through the night and sleeping throughout the whole next day, provocating others from time to time, everything that’s bright, colourful and chaotic


being pitied because of his blind eye, insects and spiders, strict rules, doing household chores or other things that aren’t fun, boring people and dull conversations