


nb #257

#FDFDFD #C1C1C1 #1A2322 #8DADE6

Name Emilie Jenkins
gender female (she/her, mtf)
age 36
birthday -
sexuality lesbian
relationship status single
breeding slots 3/3
occupation antiques shop owner / weapon smuggler
recidence a house on Callisto with June


colour -
flower -
plant -
animal horses
food sushi
beverage white tea
sandwich -
music genre -
smell -
sound -
quote -


  • antique dishes, especially tea pots
  • horses, anything with horses on it, especially horse plates & weird horse porcelain figures
  • tea
  • braiding hair
  • chatting with customers


  • hurrying
  • mess around the shop

The kind lady who owns the antiques store has a secret double life as a weapon smuggler ringleader. Very few know this, but actually very few know almost anything about miss Emilie Jenkins.


Personality-wise Emilie is cool and collected - she's a very peaceful presence, sometimes slightly scary because of her strict opinions but also very charismatic. If needed, she can be absolutely ruthless and vicious in her ways. She always knows how to get what she wants and to achieve her goals Emilie is fine with manipulating people around her. She's scarily good at persuading people into doing things she wants.

Emilie likes small talk and chatting with people but doesn't really talk about herself. Sahe likes keeping her things secret and doesn't let people in easily, which leads to her no really making many friends. She doesn't mind though, being alone is her preferred way to be. The only exception to this is her closest friend June. However, Emilie has lots of aquaintances and knows plenty of powerful and important people - and most importantly, she knows how to profit from these relationships.

Emilie collects lots of stuff, her favourites being teapots and horse-themed items. She's actually very rich but doesn't live luxuriously. She enjoys the simple things in life but loves spending lots of money on good quality everyday things like clothes and tea.


Emilie likes looking good and fancy. She often wears some gold jewellery but nothing too excessive - she likes looking classy but still down-to-Earth with muted colors, greys and blacks. She loves long cardigans, soft fabrics and scarves.


Emilie operates a solar system wide weapon smuggling ring. She's the sole ringleader as she likes to keep things small and inconspicuous. She doesn't do any travelling or smuggling herself since she has everything outsourced to her employees, but she takes care of the managing side, coordinating and arranging of sales. At work, Emilie is always efficient and professional.

Emilie also owns an antiques shop on Callisto, where sells all kinds of old stuff she comes across. Being not really profitable on its own, the shop is basically just a money laundering front and a hobby for Emilie who loves collecting old trinkets. The shop has some loyal (and usually wealthy) customers with whom Emilie has gotten well acquainted over the years.




best friend / roommate

Best friends forever, nothing can ever separate Emilie and June. They complete each other and each others' sentences. Being pretty much Emilie's only close friend, June knows more about Emilie than all the other people in her life combined. She probably knows Emilie better than Emilie knows herself.

customer / friend

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pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns