


3 years, 5 months ago


The god of inspiration!!  What a funny fellow this one is!!

Don’t let their swirls of colors confuse you, despite being created to quite literally hand humanity some of the most riveting and fascinating tales of all time Inspiration is as impassive as they come!  With a face like a wide-eyed newborn owl, Inspiration has trouble expressing emotions beyond hopeless confusion that usually manifests as a wide-eyed stare - although he’s no doubt got a very complete idea of what’s going on, even if others don’t want him to!  And to say he’s a man of few words is an understatement, with his monotone voice and slow speech almost like he’s trying to remember the syllables to every language in existence in between words, it’s a miracle if anyone can get more than a few sentences out of him!  That, or they leave before he’s got them all out!

To Inspiration the world is a series of tales whose endings he has seen far in advance.  Although he may not be able to express much emotion himself, he has no trouble delivering heartfelt and emotional stories to the living.  Inspiration spends their days handcrafting beautiful stories interwoven with tragedy and comedy and heartbreak and love, and then scattering them amongst the living to see where inspiration will take them.  

But the world is a busy place, and humans tend to only have one ending no matter what they do.  And most times, these stories and memories and emotions end with those who had them.  But no story gone unspoken is unworthy of a new beginning, and a new chance.  Inspiration collects the unspoken stories and ideas of those who pass on without getting the chance to tell their stories, and transforms these wonderful ideas into small, spiraling stars that always encircle their head!  Along with the help of the God of Dreams, Inspiration saves these stars and then plucks them out of their orbit and delivers them into the minds of the sleeping, transforming them into vivid dreams to inspire the next generation.