


3 years, 6 months ago




kalon #603 RU

#946DDA #624792 #433758

Name Jules
gender male (he/him)
age 34
birthday -
sexuality gay
relationship status taken (Ollie)
breeding slots 1/3 (nb #774, #3366)
occupation paleontologist, professor
recidence a nice house in a city


colour dark brown
flower peace lily
plant monstera deliciosa
animal -
food -
beverage a good red wine
sandwich -
music genre classical music
smell -
sound -
quote -


  • house plants
  • fancy teas & wines
  • birdwatching
  • strolls in the park
  • snowfall
  • warm scarves
  • cheesy dates
  • science fiction


  • when people interrupt his work
  • lazy students
  • when people get too drunk and start shouting
  • conspiracy theories

Jules is dedicated, creative and endlessly interested in solving the mysteries of the past. He works as a paleontology professor at a university where he does both teaching and research. His work is very important to him and he takes great pride in his scientific field.

Jules enjoys having small talk with people, but he also loves babbling about his career as a paleontologist. He is a bit reserved about his feelings and rarely opens up to people, but he is fun to be around with nonetheless. Jules can be quite dramatic and unforgiving at times, but he doesn't like fighting and prefers a more passive-aggressive approach with annoying people.

He has very strict opinions about some things, like food and music, but generally he is pretty laid-back and relaxed when life goes well. His hobbies include collecting teas and wines, birdwatching and writing. Jules is at his happiest in snowy weather, when he can wear a nice warm scarf and enjoy the beautiful scenery.


Jules is usually pretty laid-back and chill when all is going well in his life. He loves talking about paleontology, his career, his recent achievements and really anything about himself and his field - due to this he can appear a bit stuck-up but is in fact good at accepting criticism. He has a love for both small talk about the weather and politics and long, intellectual conversations.

Jules is really in his element at fancy cocktail parties - really, what's there not to love about endless small talk with various acquaintance accompanied by good drinks? Jules always remains professional and proper around new people, but with close friends he loves to gossip. He hates fighting but can be very passive-aggressive and rude if needed to, and he tends to hold grudges easily. He's often very dramatic and hates when people point it out, but Jules can't deny that he does have some very strict opinions about serious things like music and food.

One of Jules' favourite hobbies is writing, and currently he's in the middle of writing his own sci-fi novel. He hasn't told this to anyone yet though.




Jules works as a paleontology professor at a university. He has always loved teaching so this was a natural step for him after years of studying. Beside teaching Jules does a lot of research, and often gets completely absorbed in his work and tends to fully ignore the outside world until he has finished whatever he is doing. When interrupted, Jules is absolutely furious and might throw something at the intruder. He prefers working alone, since according to him other people only mess up his thoughts and papers and make concentrating impossible. Nonetheless Jules is good at taking constructive criticism as long as he is the one asking for it. He hates when people try to meddle with his things or give him advice without permission.

Jules misses field work a lot, so he takes his students often to field trips. Students generally like his classes, but he can be a very strict teacher if he's having a bad day or if a student clearly isn't taking their studies seriously. Paleontology is almost sacred to Jules and he defends his views with his life.





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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.

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