
american kestrel/kalahari lion (+mutations), she/he
vc is maybe ??? maybe ??


Design Notes

  • He has sickle claws on his two front talons.


Intimidating and powerful. She tends not to realize the extent of these traits of hers and can be kind of a bully unintentionally. Many other gryphons tend to avoid her because of the first impressions she gives off, which used to bother her deeply. She has since chosen to embrace the negative impact she has on others and use it to her advantage, but deep down still desires more meaningful relationships with others.


Lives on an island inhabited only by gryphons and completely devoid of magic (until now). Helped found a group of pro-magic gryphons meant to be a safe haven for those affected by magic-induced mutations like himself, those who wish to abandon their old roots and resume practicing magic, and other outcasts of traditional gryphon society.