

7 years, 2 months ago


Name: Z

Nickname: None

Age: 18 

Gender: Female 

Birth Date: September 29th

Sexual Preference: straight

Race:  Human?




-Eye Color: Blue 

-Hair Color: White

-Hair Style: Long

-Height: 5'1

-Weight: 90IB

-Other Features: None

-Clothes: Dresses and her necklace 

-Other: None





☾Eria - Friend 

☾Victoria - Friend

☾Nicholas - Crush  


☾= Alive

✙ = Dead




Personality:  Z is very truthful and very kind. She hates watching others get hurt because of her. She believe that violence will never solve anything. 




Z was created and grew in a test tube until the age of 5. She was created with six other children in a attempt to perfect the human race. The scientists who created the six children wanted to create humans who were smarter, faster at thinking and learning and faster bodies that are almost immune to any diseases or illnesses.

They infused the six children with a drug named ZviyarnumoniamR ( Z for short ) which enhanced the brain and body. The drug enhances their mental power to the point were the children's brains develop much farther then the normal human. 

Once out of the tubes the six children were taking in for testing and experiment. Through out the test the scientists noted that the children's brain had no more activity then normal, the children were no smarter and learned no faster then average human. In fact for the first few years out of the tubes the children had very many health problem. 

Due to the failure of their first attempt, the head scientist ordered the children be put down. One of the scientists stepped up and said that she would take the children and raise them as her own. " We tested them. They are safe. Let me take them home and raise them. " The head scientist listened to the other and sparred the kids life. 

At the age of 13 Zviya and her five other brothers and sisters were adopted by Lucy Lyvin. She gave them a home, clothing and warm food on the table. With time each and every one of the children grew close to Lucy. The scientist treated them as her own, giving them as much love as she possibly could. 

When the children hit the 15 Lucy's worst nightmare came to be. The children started developing abilities that are not those of humans. She warned that they must not let anyone know or they will be dragged back into the lab where they were born. The children listened but they still found it hard resist their new abilities . So in secret they practiced their telekinetic power, getting better and better.

Although one of her sisters, Rashel; believed that they should not attempt to control the power and just leave it alone. She said the one day it will bring great harm to them and the people around them. Rashel grew angry and frustrated that her brothers and sisters didn't agree with her, so she decided to do what she though was the right decision.

Rashel decided that she needed to visit the scientists that created them. She though that would know how to fix her, and her brothers and sisters. Unfortunately they didn't. Once Rashel told them at what was going on, they restrained her and locked her away for 'Safe' keeping. 

The scientists decided that for everyone's safety it was best to find all of the children and contain them so their powers don't lash out of control. 

Soon after Z and her sister Eava were the only ones left. They stuck together in search for their siblings, until one day Eava disappeared just like the rest of her brothers and sisters. Z decided that she would do anything in her power to get her family back, or at least die trying.


- She was named Z after the drug used to create them.

- The necklace around her neck was given to her by her brother. 

- She appears to be 18 but is actually 53.

- She has a biological twin who was also born in the tubs.