
Spunky and optimistic, Nova seems to spread light wherever he goes! He enjoys making jokes and putting a smile on the faces of those around him, especially when they seem to be down. He's a good listener, and likes to make sure everyone in his midst feels welcomed and appreciated. With such a positive personality, however, comes his fatal flaw - he is certainly a bottler of emotions. He doesn't like to share how he is truly feeling, as he believes that it would cause someone to be burdened. Because of this, he is prone to nervous breakdowns every now and again. Nova is, however, working on fixing this - even if it is slowly and only a day at a time.
Nova's home life growing up wasn't always the best, although it wasn't always the worst either. His mother had a temper that was hard to predict, which left Nova making sure he walked on eggshells around her. His father, on the other hand, was an incredibly kindhearted, quiet man - although this meant that he was just as prone to slip off when Nova's mother began yelling. Despite this, both parents very obviously loved and supported Nova. Growing up, he was always in awe of the large airships that would float lazily by, and he would always charge out to watch. As he got older, he trained hard, and soon enough learned to pilot one on his own. Now, he works as a delivery ship, taking mail and packages across space and sea.