Lex Alvarez



3 years, 4 months ago



Name Lexie 'Lex' Alvarez
Gender Female
Age 36
DoB April 3, 1981
Height 5'6"
Sexuality demisexual
ESP Ability Aura Reading
Creator Roi
CSS Eggy


  • meat-centric meals
  • candles
  • long, warm baths


  • smoking indoors
  • closed-minded people
  • rural land and towns- it's just creepy


One look at Lex tells you exactly what you need to know about her. She's a rigid, serious woman who leads the charge straight to the bowels of Hell if she must. A natural-born leader who looks at every situation from a top-view perspective; almost like she's overseeing a chess board. Lex doesn't mince words, and tells it like it is. She does think every plan through, but you can rest assured they typically don't sit back and wait. Her plans involve taking immediate action. Lex has also seen combat and been in a few missions- which makes sense why she's so dedicated to her agents. When things go really bad, you can rest assured the leader of the pack, Lex, will load her gun and head out on the field herself.


Lex is currently the Lead Agent of the ESPers, an elite and psychically gifted team of special agents. This is a position she takes seriously, and each agent was hand picked by Lex herself. Lex had a lot of inner conflict trying to decide where she should place herself during these missions. On one hand, her history of being on missions would be useful on the field- but being able to take all the information given to her in real time and put the pieces together would show she trusts her team, can delegate tasks and be reliable back up. In the end, she decides to hang back and help compile all the data- opting only to go to the field if one of her agents becomes injured or otherwise. She spends most of her time back at the temporary HQ or in their data-mining van.

Admittedly though, her largest source of stress is not from the current mission- it's from her daughter, Mila. It was considered unsafe to leave Mila alone while Lex left on her mission. But as they uncovered more truths, they realize this is much more than just a kidnapping. Mila will be watched like a hawk by her mother as well as the other agents. The fear though is that Mila is exactly the target demographic these traffickers are after.


Lex was born with a special gift- the ability to see the colors of people's auras. It was something she's always had, something that's always been with her for as long as she could remember. The girl honed it as she grew, learning how to read people and the auras and figuring out what they mean. This made her excellent at calling people out on their lies, their fears and their concerns. It also made her adept at knowing what makes those around her happy or sad. Reading other people wasn't the only skill Lex had though. She was very athletic, couple that with her competitive attitude and she made for a foe nobody wanted on any sports teams. Eventually as a teen, she started to really open up and try to find others who had a special power like her.

Soon enough, a group of investigators wanted to see if she truly could do the things she claimed. In a way, she felt more like a study than a person- that sort of thinking really pissed her off. One of those investigators asked if she could view an interrogation, of which she was able to accurately pick apart the different feelings that not only the suspect conveyed, but the interviewers in the room as well. They honed in on her ability to sniff out lies and weakness. As her success increased, her notoriety skyrocketed. Eventually, she was being called into federal cases- leading her to become very acquainted with the FBI. It was during her steady climb through the law that she met her future boyfriend- and as a young adult, gave birth to Mila. The couple were an on-again, off-again sort, and eventually drifted apart. Both far too busy to see the other and just overall not that compatible.

Lex worked hard to provide for her daughter. Her abilities were pushed to the brink, leaving no room for error. Her skills were thought to be pinpoint accurate, so her word was good enough to send investigators on a path. Eventually she joined as an FBI agent, and worked many missions. It's during her career she thinks back to those old days of how she even got here- wanting to find others like her. She knew she wasn't the only one, and began a petition to create her own elite team of ESPers. Lex never takes no for an answer, and the ESPers is a standing testament to that.


  • Lex loves tattoos. She wants a full sleeve eventually.
  • Lex is Afro-Latina; in her spare time she tries to piece together her ancestry.
  • Lex has a body count. It's currently at 7.
  • Lex heavily believes in the occult. From astrology, palmistry, numerology- you name it, she's read about it.
  • Lex does not get cold easily. It's really quite strange!
  • As all agents do, Lex carries a concealed gun on her person. She also has a knife hidden on her.
  • Lex has taught her daughter skills well beyond the girl's years. This includes gun safety, self defense and of course, everyday life skills like cooking and laundry.



Mila Alvarez


Lex's daughter. Mila is her only family, and Lex is highly protective of her. Mila is wise beyond her years, and very trustworthy. As expected of a child that came from Lex, after all.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.