


3 years, 6 months ago



Jin is a youthful, energetic teenage boy who's good with words and is often found loitering around the city streets. He does not attend school, however, manages to befriend the prickly, school-oriented Ajisai, eventually becoming a bigger focus in his life.

  • Macaroni, specifically instant
  • Singing
  • Learning new things
  • Helping people
  • Laziness
  • Wealthy people
  • Birthdays
  • Exercise

His first appearance was as a scrawny kid on the streets asking strangers not for help but if they needed help. This runaway comes from an affluent background, the reasoning for his decisions are unclear. He temporarily lives with his older sibling Ali and his girlfriend Tiffany in a small condominium complex together. Having a lot of free time on his hands, not being a student, Jin spends his days wandering the city streets in search of someone he can help out.

Jin is an outgoing and cheerful spirit; He cares more than anything about making someone feel better, especially if they're down. With his childlike caricature, at times, he can be blunt with his words and handles negative feedback poorly but jumps back in no time. A bit on the pushy side, Jin is difficult to deal with due to his stubbornness, it's near impossible for him to give up on a set goal. He has spontaneous ideas and is the type to act before thinking, usually dragging Ajisai along with his antics.

Despite all his outward peppiness, Jin often times displays anxious behaviour when dealing with people, usually after a simple conversation or walk through the city. Turning quiet with a weak smile is an accurate description to how it looks visually. Stemming from his rather lonely childhood, he has never been in the position to interact with anyone outside of his immediate family. He conceals these feelings to the best of his ability, even going as far as to lie about it. Though, for the most part, his affection towards people and motivation to help them surpass these icks.

  • The cap he wears was from a high brand name, adorned with precious metals and logos, he tore them off in retaliation, it's also why he wears it backwards
  • Jin's sense of style is rudimentary, his favourite outfit being ripped straight from a mannequin at the mall
  • His real name is Arvid, but with the many mispronunciations of it he decides to cut it off completely and go by 'Jin'
  • Not very athletic but definitely agile; he has asthma and can't handle high intensity exercise
  • On his spare time, Jin has found great interest in singing and music composition, he keeps this a secret and is rather bashful when it is brought up
  • Birthday: June 16 ♊︎


 Stranger ⇨ Best Friend
Meeting through unlikely circumstances, Ajisai only got to know him through Jin's sheer persistence and outgoing nature. While difficult at times, Jin finds Ajisai to be really fascinating, which is why he reached out in the first place. It is hinted that he may also have romantic feelings likewise to a crush towards Ajisai, though, he is very down-low about it. Often they are found bickering like an old married couple. 



Older Sibling
Ali is a huge influential figure to Jin, his hero and role model. With Jin's unpredictable behaviour, being scolded by Ali is not an uncommon sight. Despite all their hardships with one another, especially concerning family, Jin supports Ali in every way and strives to be a good younger brother.



Jin's initial perception of Elaine was negative; after hearing about her brash confession to Ajisai. He would incessantly tease and not take her seriously. Over time, Jin found how much in common he and Elaine had and could find himself opening up to her more. Their dynamic still stayed relatively the same however, just more friendly.



Due to their living conditions, Jin and Tiffany make an unexpectedly compatible duo. They share a common goal to annoy Ali and often times pull pranks on him together. At first, he only attempted to spend time with her to make Ali happy, but now, he just sees her as another part of his family he's grown to love.



Family Friends



Jin and Chunhua share quite an interesting dynamic. While they don't consider each other friends, they ironically end up spending much time together due to mutual connections. Quite frankly, Jin tries to hide the fact that he is massively intimidated by Chunhua. From her eccentric fashion sense to all the blackmail she holds against him, every interaction feels like walking on ice.

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