Kitty Collection (πŸ₯ Saffron)



2 years, 10 months ago


🌱 FeLV
🌱 Shelter name was Norman (very fitting in hindsight, he is a Norman)
🌱 We weren't originally gonna get him, but he was such a charmer, he got scooped up with the intended two
🌱 Littermate to Sunny, from the same hoarder house as Hunny, Spicy, and Barley
🌱 I say this with the utmost affection... this cat is dumb ❀
🌱 Nicknamed Saff, Soft Brain (soft fur, Soft Brain : ) ), Smooth (Brain), and Teddy Bear when he was little
🌱 Also known as Kitchen Buddy because he'll want to be in the kitchen if you are. He's helping!
🌱 Not enough brain cells to figure out how to use a scratch pad/post. We've abandoned hope
🌱 Love to play rough and wrestle, he just,, isn't careful at all. You gotta be careful with Saff, he'll shred you to pieces and not even mean to
🌱 Has this really big puppy eyes. For some reason, his pupils are always huge (unless he's like directly in the sunlight). There's nothing behind those eyes <3
🌱 Very helpfully always buries the water dish, thank you Saff
🌱 Was super a shoulder cat when he was little. He sorta grew out of it, but still loves to be held. You can tell he's comfy because he sticks his arms straight out, it's silly
🌱 He doesn't know how to be a lap cat, but he's a cuddly little sweetie
🌱 He'll murp at you and if you go 'hi!!!' like he's a little puppy, he'll get excited and flop over onto his back
🌱 Lies on his back just,, all the time. Rollie pollie