Edward Colby



3 years, 9 months ago


SHSL Online Horror Writer

Edward Colby
April 1st, Aries
Chaotic Good
Dr.Flynn - Caravan of Thieves
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
The harder that I chase it, the further that it gets
  • Abandoned Buildings
  • Movie Nights
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Dogs
  • Heavy Lifting
  • Romance Novels

More known online via the alias of GH0uST, Edward is a self-proclaimed horror author. Most of his stories can be found on his personal blog, while some are exclusive to forum-threads. Almost all of the stories revolve around paranormal acts or discoveries, despite his claims that they're inspired by events from real life. Due to this, some may question the quality and intention behind his work as he has faced ridicule for this decision before.

Despite the words of confidence about his finds, Edward is very clearly a coward. Everything from his posture to his mummured speech reeks of insecurity, yet Edward seem so certain that he's the world's next hero. He has a natural attraction towards the unknown, the suspicious and the scary, even though it can leave him trembling. His sense of justice can be questioned whether he truly wants to save people or is simply there for the story, but when something is going on, Edward is willing to take a look.

It's no surprise that it's easy to find things to mock him for, and so Edward often stays quiet and observing. He's not exactly one to make friends; not even considering the people he consistently speak to online as friends and instead view of them as simple fans of his work. Having grown up homeschooled it's no wonder his social skills are fairly lacking and that it's easier for him to just not try.

In the end, he just appears to not be good at the things which interests him.

  • List triva facts or notes here
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris.
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Eva Colby

Having raised Edward as a single mother, it's no surprise he's a bit of a mama's boy. She's quite overprotective and often disregards his concerns about his finds, but he understands she loves him.

Fan of


Charlotte Varnham

Being a Paranormal Investigator, Edward follows Charlotte's blog and what her finds are. He's quite a fan of the work she does.

Internet Friend



Parasol has been a fan of Edward's work for a long time, but they only recently started talking. Edward keeps her a secret from his mother, as Parasol actively encourages Edward to go his way.