Locke's Comments

if I may ask are they ufo?

yes but im extremely tentative.

oo I see anyone in my th? otherwise I can offer art

didn't see anyone!! n im not really looking to get rid of him for art alone so ^^ thank you for your interest though! 

a np ^^

i could offer anyone here, art, or USD if you have a price range!! I'm in love with this guy aha

i'd take two chibis for him! i think they're rly cute

i can do that!! who do you want drawn?

got it! I'll start asap :))

just sent the first fullbody over!! 

aaa! it looks super cute! thank u! <3

hi! I'm done with the other fullbody, how should i send it over? since it's an access key character i can't attach the character when i upload art

you can just dm it!