
3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Lia Melissa Payne






Trans woman




White (British?)


181cm / 5'11"


University student


  • Mild personality — generally kind and quiet if you don’t know her too well, but has a pretty good sense of humour and is more animated as you get to know her
  • Becomes even quieter when she’s sad. Doesn’t like to cry in front of people
  • When angry, she’s generally passive aggressive and snappy, and tries to avoid the thing/person she’s mad at as much as possible. If anyone asks her about it, unless they’re really close to her, she won’t tell them what’s going on (just because she doesn’t want to be needlessly cruel or intimidating)
  • If some Shit Is Going Down then she snaps into business mode. Tries to sort the crisis out and separate her emotions unless she gets really overwhelmed with stress, but she tries to be the anchor that holds everyone (and everything) together
  • Studying Biological Sciences with a focus on entomology and ecology - intends to do a Master's degree in entomology and become a lepidopterist
  • Butterflies and moths are her favourite insects, but she has an interest in all kinds, and refuses to kill most bugs in her house (other than harmful pests like mosquitoes and silverfish)
  • Also loves birds - likes to birdwatch in parks or from her apartment window. Leaves birdseed out for them and sketches them/writes about them in her journal
  • Speaking of which, she loves journalling and has kept a journal since she was 10 years old. The amount she writes depends on the day - sometimes it's whole pages, sometimes just a sentence. Her current journal is roughly A5 size and is navy blue with dotted paper, with a few stickers of insects and flowers on the cover
  • Used to do ballet when she was young (from about age 6-7 to 10-11) but has since quit. Would like to do dancing of some form again, but is self-conscious and isn't sure how she'd really get into it
  • Got into archery within the past couple of years and loves it. Doesn’t get to practice it that often but she tries to go to an archery range at least every month or so

Lia is a character I created for my friend Danny's series/universe, In the Crimson Light.