


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Odetta Adafae [Adafei]

Species: Kibran CrownFoxStar

Gender: Female

Age: 210 years old

Origin: Mantasa, Dragon Bay Village

Residence: Capital Summerland City

Magical talent: Charms, Luck in particular

Kitin: Lilium, a fae-winged preying mantis

Occupation: Children's teacher

Economic status: Lower middle class

Health: Chronic fatigue and wing heaviness, can barely fly

Sexuality: Unknown

Relationship Status: Single

The walking good luck charm, Odetta is a sweetheart girl striding through life like nothing can stand in her way, and with the amount of imbued pendants decorating her horns, she may just be right. About to step in a puddle? Watch a newspaper blow out of someone's hands to cover it. Dropped anything? It'll always land rightside up, unharmed. Odetta seems to have always been excited to experience life and yet timid to do so. Agreeable and eager to help, even strangers, although she's slightly worried about stepping outside of her bubble due to her sheltered life.


Odetta was born to Till and Mortu Adafae, a charms merchant and Mantasan guard respectfully, both honest and respectful kibran in humble positions. She was a much-too-small, sickly, fragile child, but nevertheless the apple of her fathers' eyes, doted on and religiously cared for since birth. She first fell ill with an abnormally serious case of Dew Wings that took a while to recover from. Then another illness befell her. And then another. And though Odetta spent her precious childhood years often bedridden and tired, she managed to hit the regular milestones just with a little delay - maybe her flying wasn't the best and her kitin remained unchanged until young adulthood, but she managed, partly due to the help of her fathers. Though it seemed unimportant at the time, Till had made sure from the beginning that his one and only child would have a charm to commemorate every milestone of her life - from the tiny pieces of her birthgem imbued with protective incantations to the windchime mess of pendants he began hanging from her horns with every sickness she recovered from. With time, the sheer number of them finally began doing their job and the now-woman fell ill less and less. To this day she still believes no healing spring or medic did more to keep her alive, safe and healthy than her father's love did.

Now able to pursue her passions with little standing in her way and the world seemingly working with, not against her, Odetta is a recently employed children's teacher with her sights set on the Special Ed branch, where the kids she wants to help most reside. She's got the spark, enthusiasm and kindness for it all... and a certain 'knack' for getting her way. And understanding the children with health problems, what with being one herself and meeting so many others in the healing centers. Once probably aspired to become a nocturna priestess and aid the orphan population, but never developed divination. Instead, she's a 'charmer' like her father Till and enjoys passing on the tradition of charm-gifting. Her students love Ms Adafae all the more for it, even if she can't do many strenuous activities or play with them as much. 


Lilium is a sleuth-y little thing, always suspicious of people and protective of his kibran Odetta. He was a gift to her from her father Mortu, yet another defense measure. Lilium has personality in spades to compensate for his size, sassy and snappy, constantly mouthing off which has brought trouble to Odetta's door more than once. Thank goddess for good luck charms. Speaking of, the kitin has one of his own that keeps him safe from squishing. A lame leg has taught the duo better.