


3 years, 6 months ago


Former human 'pet' that underwent his first change in order to escape confinement, becoming endlessly frustrated whilst egged on by the voices of his ancestors.

He was later found roaming the streets hundreds of miles away from his original home by Bone Gnawers, who temporarily took him while he found himself and made the decision to join his ancestor's tribe instead. Although he can be ungrateful, he will forever appreciate what the Bone Gnawers did for him, and holds a great deal of respect for the tribe as a whole.
It was a fellow Lupus, an old theurge named Watches-Over, who recognised the Strider in him, and suggested his current name as a way of reclaiming his identity.

He is knowledgeable on the history of the Garou, but specializes in information regarding current and future events, travelling great distances in order to spread word of important goings-on to packs that don't use communication technology, or passing on crucial messages that are too risky to send via phone or computer. He likes to eavesdrop and stick his nose in things that don't concern him.


Although it isn't constant, he sometimes finds himself hearing the voices of his ancestors when near an area with naturally high amounts of gnosis, or areas of historical importance to the Striders. The volume of said voices range from muffled whispering to soft chatter, accompanied by an inexplicably strong pull in a specific direction.


He is not necessarily quick to engage in combat, but will angrily insult and provoke anyone who rubs him the wrong way, (usually by disrespecting his allies or trying to order him around).
Despite this, he is absolutely the guy you want on your side, as he will stick up for you with his sharp tongue and even sharper fangs without a moment's hesitation.


Explorer (Nature)
The world is full of wonder, and you've got to see it all. Regain Willpower when you make a significant discovery, such as finding a special place or artefact, or making a profound insight about yourself or a friend.

Rebel (Demeanour)
You will do as you will, and ultimately desire freedom from unpleasant societal bonds. Regain Willpower when your rebellion against authority or the status quo turns out for the best.

Audacity, guts, pluck - whatever it's called, you've got it. You aren't afraid to stand up to anyone, from naughty children to tribal leaders.

Fast Leaner
You learn very quickly, and pick up on new things faster than most do. 

You are a naturally curious person, and find mysteries of any sort irresistible. In most circumstances, you find that your curiosity easily overrides your common sense.

You have an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of your own worth and capabilities. You never hesitate to trust your abilities, even in situations where you risk defeat.

Hare's Leap (Lupus Rank 1) 
The Garou can leap impossible distances

Call of the Wyld (Galliard Rank 1)
The Garou may send their howl far beyond the normal range of hearing and imbue it with great emotion, stirring the hearts of fellow Garou and chilling the bones of all others.

Trailblazer (Silent Strider Rank 1)
With this Gift, the Garou can wend their way through thick underbrush as if walking on the open plains. The Strider also finds the fastest trails and shortest routes from one location to another. When used in a town or city, the Garou can still find the shortcuts through alleys and dart through crowded streets with ease.