TH purge's Comments

I like Flares and Chance, for them I can offer you anyone here.

these aren't ours. I think you commented on the wrong thing -Ari

Lmao, sorry-

its okay. it happens -Ari

Just offer, really -Ari

I dont really have much to offer as I'm making college payments. In all honesty the best I can do rn is $20-$25 due to budgeting but idk if that will do them justice.

Alright! Thats great how much would you like for the faun legs? (Im really interested in the species after I looked into it XD) also aroma I'm interested in for my fantasy menagerie 

someone else has shown interest in the legs. Aroma is $5 if offering money

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I'm going to have to pass -Asra