Wrey Saegrei



7 years, 1 month ago


Wrey Saegrei

He/Him . Dragon . Adventurer . Loyal

Name Wrey Saegrei
Called Tothusso / Fireball
Gender Male
Age 1298yrs (22 h.yrs)
DoB 5th March
Sign Pisces
Height 200cm
Build Muscular
Race Dragon
Role Adventurer | Bodyguard
Voice Listen


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Personality: Back in the homegrounds, he was known for being a troublemaker kid, but always abided by the laws. He has never really been met with any strict authority or displeasure (and if he were to, i'd imagine he would be terribly shocked ). The homegrounds is a very neighbourly community and it nurtures all dragons to be caring and extremely kind. Wrey has these values instilled in him but has the misconception that the whole world is similar to the homegrounds and therefore starts out naive. He grew up selfless and places great importance on protecting the people he loves. Rarely is he able to dislike anyone as he feels guilty for having negative emotions, but the more time he spends outside the homegrounds, the more he learns that he has the right to dislike. Wrey is an older brother figure to two younger dragons; Xagales and Gionshayle, which nurtured his instinct to protect. He acts before he thinks and when he does think it's most often with his emotions or instinct.
Generally, he comes off as a beam of sunshine but is streets-dumb. As his story progresses he'll have his outlook on life questioned and probably darkened.

Brief Story: Wrey literally exploded into existence and was brought to the homegrounds. While he got along with everyone he never felt like he truly belonged in any faction and kept imagining about what lay beyond what he could see. When he was not playing with the other dragons or doing duties, he would be found along the outskirts, but going no further. (Later on he climbed the tallest buildings, which he got in trouble for until everyone just let him do it). Eventually, he decided to leave the homegrounds to explore the world. He completed the trial and was given the title of "Tothusso" and his Xyphillo armlet. He set off, promising to come back to see Xagales and Gionshayle (they cried ok).
He loved every moment of running free, traversing forests and exploring caves, filling his senses with wonders he never imagined. Sometime later on, taking a break, Wrey heard voices and strange sounds so he snuck towards the source of the chatter. The sounds were revealed to be coming from a crowd of strange people. At the front of the group was a beautiful girl. Wrey was very intrigued. Wrey came out of hiding to greet the small people and almost got killed by the girl's entourage. When the ruckus died down, the girl introduced herself a Valencia and Wrey introduced himself as Tothusso. He decided to tag along with Valencia as has been doing that since. 


(i think its too big of a block of text. im gonna go home and simplify it more. Add some trivia!! )

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Gionshayle of The Emerald House


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.




His lover and adventuring companion. He loves her more than life itself. His greatest adventure of them all that he will never see an end to. One he never wants to see an end to. The adventure of his lifetime.


Xagales Rothbard


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.