For Windfur101's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

CatsPajamas-PJ Global Rules
-Please notify me (CatsPajamas-PJ on TH or @catspajamas_pj on instagram) if you want to trade/tranfer/sell a design to a user outside of Toyhouse. If you will be transferring the character within ToyHouse, there is no need to notify me. However, if the new owner wishes to have the credit on my original reference sheet changed to their name, they may contact me to have that done. -Once you own a design, you may change it as you see fit, but you may not draw overtop my original drawing/reference of the character. -Please try to avoid selling a character for more than you bought it for, unless if you have accumulated extra art for it.