


3 years, 6 months ago


  • Cyrus

  • age 23
  • gender Male
  • race Human
  • Music Taste credit: The Machine - Vector Seven

Playful • Cocky • passionate


Cyrus burns bright as an unpredictable source of attention and adoration.


to rework,


"i love to do this to you..."

height 6"5

build Toned muscular

pronouns He

s.o. Hetero

dob -

sign -

origin Canadian

occupation Gangster



  • Sun
  • Teasing
  • Titts
  • Honey anything


  • Jealousy
  • Silence
  • Liver foods
  • Comedies


Cyrus grew up in a troubled home. His parents got pregnant during their last year of high school. They were beautiful, charismatic, and loved by all, winning prom king and queen while 3 months pregnant. Their parents were furious and threatned to disown them if they kept the baby. The young couple believed their love would be enough and despite their lack of funds and no familial help, decided to keep it. Surely friends would offer a helping hand, but none came. After his birth, his parents’ relationship quickly turned sour as his father took to alcohol to cope with stress. Soon, only the mother worked to provide for the family and the father became more and more violent as his shame and unhappiness built up inside him. Cyrus’ father mostly took out his anger on his wife, but as Cyrus grew up and his mother was away for work, he would become the most abused. His father would curse him, blame his shitty life on his birth, wishing every day for his death. The father tried on numerous occasions to kill Cyrus. Either by strangling, forcing Cyrus to drink to death or by beating but would always be stopped by the mother pleading to take his place. His mother was too poor and afraid to leave him but seeing how much Cyrus was suffering she was determined to leave somehow, eventually. Cyrus at a young age was emotionally dead, accustomed to neglect, violence, and emotional abuse.

At the age of 7, his beautiful mother, 25, fled with him in the night with the little savings she had. They lived homeless for a few months, relying on help centers and government aid. Slowly, life became more stable. His mother found a decent job as a bartender in a high-end hotel and got a small apartment for them. She began to care for Cyrus properly and he slowly opened up to her. One day, everything changed, his mother had brought home a fiancé whom she would marry in a month. They had met by chance at her work and instantly connected, dating in secret for a few months. His mother had no idea she had fallen in love with a millionaire businessman.

His stepfather, unable to have children, took to Cyrus as his own child. His stepfather lavished him in gifts and luxury. He was determined to shape Cyrus into his heir. He made it a point to encourage Cyrus and bolster his confidence, Cyrus deeply respected him. He finally had a father he loved and looked up to. Eager to become a man like his stepfather. Cyrus went through extensive therapy for his upbringing, became a black belt in judo and jujitsu, extensively learned first aid, piloting, multiple languages and more. At the age of 13, a prodigy in nearly everything, Cyrus had physically and mentally grown into a cocky and playful young Adonis. For he was his stepfather’s son who deserved the world as repayment for his horrible beginning. Still, even after being acclimated to his new life of luxury, resentment towards his real father remained and Cyrus often reacted with violent anger when confronted. His classmates would sometimes make comments on his previous poverty and being a teen pregnancy, but the conversation often ended with Cyrus breaking multiple bones. His rage was continuously addressed in therapy and Cyrus continued to be molded into the perfect businessman.


Cyrus was speeding home in his prized 1967 Shelby GT500 Eleanor with a work colleague. He had just secured a deal that would greatly increase company marketshare, a massive achievement. He was on his way to an after party to celebrate. Re work this part - As he was crossing the green light at a major intersection, an old chevy truck ran a red and slammed into the passenger door. The impact was deadly, the 918 was crushed and dragged a few meters from the impact. The chevy’s front frame of solid steel was crumpled so much into the Porsche, the two cars were totaled. - Rework- In that moment, Cyrus’s heart felt like it was on fire with rage. He couldn’t believe, he would not allow himself to die. When he opened his eyes, groggy and dizzy, his vision was red with blood. His friend’s right side, stomach to head was pulverised inwards with large shard of metal and glass extruding from his corpse. He looked down, unable to distinguish his blood from his friend’s. It seemed like he had injuries, but he felt nothing. He got out of the Porsche but didn’t remember how he got to the driver side of the truck. He looked at the other driver in disgust. The man was covered in deep gashes, soiled in his own vomit and blood while reeking of alcohol.

Cyrus’s soul was black with blinding anger. The truck driver was dead, beating his corpse would not soothe him. He walked to the nearest car and threw out the driver, driving off towards his father’s house. Cyrus’ kept tabs on his real father and worked behind the scenes to make his life miserable. Outside of the small house, Cyrus picked up a meter long pipe laying on the lawn. He kicked the door in and walked to his father’s bedroom. The man woke up, belligerent and hung over. Cyrus dragged him out of his bed on to the floor. Gave his father a few seconds to recognise him. When he did, the father started to apologise and cry, terrified he begged Cyrus for forgiveness. Unmoved he began to brutally beat down his real father, screaming in rage about how he treated him, how he hated him, how he was trying to ruin his life by killing him in the car crash. Each thwack with the pipe on the man’s head picked up more brain matter and added more blood splatters to Cyrus’ blackened by blood clothing. It was a while until Cyrus noticed he had horns of black flame that grew in height with each hit and tail that matched. The flames had gotten so high, the ceiling had caught fire. Cyrus had not felt the heat nor realised the house was falling apart by the time he had finished. He spat on his father body and cried silently that he was dead. He had died in that car crash, reborn as a demon of rage.



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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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