Virtue Ordo



[written backstory is a WIP]

Born into a wealthy and religious family.

Her father is the captain of the City guard in a theocracy. Her mother is a high judge/priestess for the court which is also part of the church.

Rolled one life event:

As a young initiate into the church/guard force or whatever she successfully imprisoned a dangerous criminal, (Murder/boss/ something like that) . It was likely sheer luck- but it also means she made an enemy.

She has successfully sent a a handful of offenders to jail.


Virtue has yet to join an adventuring party but her stoic and hard outward personality makes it difficult for her to get along with others. However she seeks to do good by bringing order. she's been long taught the beliefs of her church and theocratic government- but part of her wishes to see more of the world to learn more of the outside- spreading those beliefs [or to change them...]