Caimus Brevil



3 years, 9 months ago


Caimus Brevil is a rich yuppie Defense attorney.

His father is a rich pit fiend who own's the bank Hell's Fargo. Caimus got the best Education money could afford- and his mother, a divorcee and secretary for another company [now] was never around. Caimus grew up fabulously and healthily- always working hard to prove his best for his pit fiend father. When the time came he went to Fantasy Yaletm and worked to become a defense attorney.

When Caimus joined a frat, Zeta Alpha Zeta, he had to go through a hazing to be initiated with all the other rich punks- also to join their LARP secret society [the same his father was in when he was a college student].

Eventually Caimus graduated after many grueling years of hard work. He's a workaholic and is hellbent on proving his worth through working himself to death.

He's trained in fencing, law, and business.

Caimus is a rather standoffish and cold individual. He doesn't warm up much to others but he is always willing to help if they need- after all, a defense attorney stands up for those who can't defend themselves.