


nb #700

#EBEAE6 #716966 #443d3B #E9B4A8
#E79A69 #D56B53

Name Marigold "Marie"
gender female (she/her, mtf)
age 31
birthday -
sexuality bisexual
relationship status single
breeding slots 2/3 (nb #1259)
occupation interior designer
recidence a small farm house


colour black
flower sunflowers
plant -
animal bees
food lasagna
beverage homemade lemonade
sandwich -
music genre -
smell fresh laundry
sound waves
quote -


  • bees
  • hanging out at the beach
  • the feeling of sand under your paws
  • warm sunshine
  • interior design magazines
  • fashion magazines & haute couture
  • braiding hair
  • shopping for clothes
  • doing the laundry & cleaning in general
  • polaroid pictures
  • reading bedtime stories to children


  • sunburns
  • swimming & getting her fur dirty
  • math
  • being alone
  • hot drinks
  • sports
  • how the ground gets all muddy after rain
  • low quality clothes
  • messy eaters

Marie, a humble interior design business owner and an aspiring fashion designer, has a nevernending love for the ocean, bees and cool, dark color palettes. She always sees the best in others and loves inspiring people to do the right thing. Doing charity work and being kind to everyone is very important to Marie - she always tries her best to be as compassionate and caring as she can, but being so chatty and social she usually has a hard time keeping secrets. In her spare time Marie likes gardening and beekeeping, as well as taking polaroid pictures of pretty sceneries (usually the ocean).


Marie is a kind soul who truly believes in everyone. She's very open and outgoing so she easily gets along with everyone and loves meeting new people. She talks a lot and is really bad at keeping secrets, but she truly tries her best. Marie isn't afraid to show her feelings, good or bad, and she gets easily upset if people make fun of her. Not for a long time, though - Marie is very resilient and endlessly optimistic, and will defend herself if things get messy. However, she would never resort to violence.

Maria loves the ocean more than life itself. She loves spending the day just hanging out at the beach, warming her fur in the sunshine and smelling the salty sea air. However, getting her silky fur all wet and gross in the ocean water is the one thing she hates the most, so swimming is out of the question.

Marie has a lot of hobbies, including drawing, photography and gardening. She's hoping to one day start her own clothing line. Being very patient and careful, Marie has a whole plan for this in the works - she would never just spontaneously jump into something big like this.









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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns