


3 years, 5 months ago




Name Emily
Nicknames Em/Ems
Age 20
Gender Female
Height 5 ft 7
Species Golden retriever x Spaniel
Role Architect Student
Pronouns She/Her


  • Shopping
  • Smoothies
  • Games - ACNH, Zelda and Minecraft


  • Maths
  • Nutella
  • Loud Noises

I created Emily in 2020 as a joke thinking “what would I look like if I were a dog?” - well here we are! She reflects me fully as a person and although she is not the first character I have ever owned or created, she is the one I have felt most connected to. Emily’s style, personality and appearance adapt and change as I grow as a person. She is an extremely meaningful character to me and it makes my day to receive any art of her.

My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlsrok_art/?hl=en My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/girlsrokart




Ever since Emily knew how to old a pen, she has always been a deep thinker, lost in a world of her own. When she was at school, she would often be lost in deep thoughts or day dreams. As a university student designing buildings and creating animal art, Emily has developed a wide imagination and a ‘think outside the box’ attitude to her work and problems. She puts all her effort into creating work that is as original as possible and enjoys learning things in her own time.


Emily struggled for a few years determining her sense of fashion and ‘aesthetic’. After trying many different clothes, styles and outfits, she finally decided she enjoys feeling elegant and formal! Emily enjoys feeling classy and smart. One of Emily’s favourite things to wear all year round are skirts as she finds them flattering and comfortable. Her favourite season however is summer and she enjoys wearing pastel colours. In winter and autumn, she much prefers more deep red and darker clothes.


Emily is very empathetic. She listens carefully to peoples problems or stories and always tries to offer the best advice she can give. Emily has had a lot of difficult experiences in the past however, these ultimately made her a better person, a more understanding person who cares for everyone and gives lots of time in helping people with any issue.


Emily is a Half British, Half American Golden Retriever, Spaniel mix. She grew up in England her whole life and loves anything and everything to do with art. Emily always found animals more interesting than people, she collected many animal figures growing up and her favourite toys were LPS, Zhu Zhu Pets, fairy castle play sets and her Barrie campervan. However, all the Barbies moved out and were never played with and the animals and fairies moved in! Emily enjoyed drawing animals more than anything and as she grew older and started playing games like Minecraft, she developed a love for building design and views buildings as a form of art.

Emily’s Weaknesses

Emily has many positive personality traits however, she also has a few weaknesses too. Emily is relatively introverted and enjoys time to herself meaning she is a deep over thinker and sometimes quick to jump to conclusions. Overthinking may be useful in some situations, however it sometimes makes Emily feel anxious or more isolated. Over time, Emily has worked on this and doesn’t look too deeply into situations. Emily is a highly sensitive personality meaning that she has strengths of empathy and is very approachable however, Emily sometimes over reacts or is easily upset or ‘worked up’. Ever since going to university, Emily has learnt how to deal with these situations better and sometimes lets emotions go in private.

Emily’s Hobbies

She usually spends time online in the community, talking to others or creating art however, Emily does much more outside art! Emily loves to bake and attends Baking society with her friends. Her favourite things to bake are cupcakes and hopes to learn more recipes. Emily isn’t the best cook however but since moving away from home, her cooking skills have slowly improved and Emily’s favourite dishes to make are avocado on toast with ham and poached egg, quesadillas, stir fry and anything that can be shoved in the microwave. Emily isn’t a huge sporty person however, she loves swimming and used to do it competitively. Emily also loves singing and was a part of a school choir and a more professional chamber choir. Her role was a soprano and had to sing extremely high notes. What she loved most about choir was travelling and donating to various charities. As mentioned, Emily also loves games and shopping. You’ll typically find her in a clothes shop or local cafe with a smoothie and a cake.


  • Emily’s design is inspired by her creator’s hair colour. Her ears are her natural colour and her coat is the colour when she has it dyed.
  • Emily has a phobia of heights and used to be scared of the dark but isn’t too afraid of much else
  • Emily is fascinated by ships and especially the Titanic. If she could be anything and live at any time for 1 day, she would be a passenger on the titanic for the day.
  • Emily’s favourite music is Rock and indie. She loves PATD, Marianas trench and other artists like Kasabian. Outside of Rock, she loves Post Malone.
  • Emily is a child at heart and low key collects squishmallows



Plebby is Emily’s soulmate. They met at a party in 2020 and have been together since! It was completely unexpected. Plebby is inspired by my boyfriend in real life (whose real name is Sebastian). He is an accountant and loves organising his money. Plebby is a golden retriever with big bushy hair and wears a silver dog tag. Plebby also supports his favourite team and travels England to watch them! Plebby shares the same music taste as Emily and have MANY inside jokes.


Amy Jo is Emily’s best friend! They have known each other since Emily joined the community in 2020 and hope to one day meet irl. They love hanging out together and going on double dates with their partners. I really appreciate you! Also rely the rat hehehehe.


Here is a link to Emily’s gallery and all her wonderful art pieces!.