Amicae Vulpus



3 years, 6 months ago


Amicae Vulpus

|| Female || 8 || kitsune || The Wanderer


Quiet - Scared - Curious

Amicae is a very quiet and curious individual, being very trusting of others convincing her to follow you is actually rather easy. Despite this naivete she is very hesitant around new people often not talking or even getting near them. However, she will eventually begin trusting you enough to let you pick her up and etc. The only things she will never let you do is see her without her mask, even when eating. She's rather self conscious of her face due to harrassment she used to be given for it. She tends to go into her teddy bear or someone else for comfort when shes upset or scared.


Amicae was born to a single mother with an older half brother named Frater Nocene. They were always a family that kept to themselves, but Amicae faced bullying from the other children for her strange eyes. She started to believe them as people never harrassed her mother or brother this way as they did not have this bizarre eye look that she did. She never knew her father, but assumed it came from him. One day while playing with her brother on the outskirts of town a man approached them. He called himself The Mask Maker and offered to give them each one for free. They found this strange, but accepted these masks as they were rather nice looking, especially for getting them for free. "Lucky, lucky, It's rather rare to find siblings who each have the connection" she didn't understand what that meant, but it sent a shiver down her spine. As soon as she put it on she felt strange, she didn't quite understand it, but it was almost as if she wasn't the only one in her body. Everything went fuzzy, she can't remember what happened. All she remembers is people around her... scared? What were they scared of? It took her a minute to realize what they were staring at that they were scared of... it was her. They were scared of her. She didn't know why they were scared, it sent her to tears; she wanted her mother, her brother. Frater did eventually find her, but not before the town turned on them for being beasts and creatures of nightmares. She didn't understand at first, but that didnt stop them from attacking. Her brother, wanting to protect her, took most of the damage of their rage, and Amicae managed to run and escape. Crying, she was terrified, what did she do that scared the people in her town? Will she ever see her brother again? She spent what felt like an hour crying when she heard a strange voice "Do not cry child, it is not you they are scared of." She looked around, but found no one. She eventually realized where the voice was coming from, the mask. The beast inside the mask was talking to her, telling her what that horrible mask maker actually did. Frater did eventually find Amicae, and they both left town; knowing what happened now they put themselves on a mission. To track down The Mask Maker, and stop him from placing this curse on others. Sometimes when they explored Amicae would get lost and be stuck wandering, so Frater gave her a teddy bear to make her feel better about being alone; she named him Teddy. What Frater didn't know is this teddy bear was not normal. It was sentient. Amicae was never really as bothered as she should be as she'd find it in a different place than she had left it, but she never saw it move. It would always have something strange like a sharp object or it would even take her mask, must to her disliking, but she never found it as strange as you think she should. One day she got lost from Frater, and she couldn't find him which wasn't unusual; however, a day passed and she still couldn't find him. Days, months passed, and she's been wander around in search for her brother that she hasn't been able to find for quite some time.

  • Her beast is a spider puppet.
  • Her first name is supposed to mean "Lost Girl"
  • Her theme song is "Teddy Bear" by Melanie Martinez
Likes & Dislikes
  • Her Brother
  • Teddy
  • Wandering
  • Her Mask
  • Her Face
  • Being Alone
[Frater Nocene]

Half Brother