Silver (Dragon form)



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Silver
Created Fall 2016
Age Looks 22
Pronouns She/Her
Species Starsoul Dragon
Birthday September 17th

Silver is the introverted type but enjoys community atmospheres. She prefers to observe and follow rather than to lead. She can be hard to approach but when she gets comfortable around others she can open up and be a fun person with a witty sense of humor. As a human she was very anxious and a big overthinker, but as she spent more time as a dragon she gained more confidence.


  • animals
  • thunderstorms/rain
  • pillows & blankets
  • creating art


  • bugs
  • the dark


Silver is the introverted type but enjoys community atmospheres. She prefers to observe and follow rather than to lead. She can be hard to approach but when she gets comfortable around others she can open up and be a fun person with a witty sense of humor. As a human she was very anxious and a big overthinker, but as she spent more time as a dragon she gained more confidence. Due to her appearance in her original life she isn't used to people thinking she's pretty or being interested in her. So when Alder first tries to court her she is oblivious and takes a while to accept the idea that he may like her.

Shapeshifter / Polymorph

Silver is a shapeshifter. Starsoul dragons as a species are polymorphs, they can change into any animal (keeping the same or similar color pattern to their dragon form) and can change their size. Silver mainly uses her dragon and wolf form.

Starsoul Lore

Silver's species of dragon are shapeshifter dragons who were once human. They lived out their original lives as normal people but once they die they are reincarnated into dragons, containing all their previous memories. The species is infertile and the only way for more dragons to exist if more humans get reincarnated. The exact requirements for reincarnation are still unknown. Starsoul dragons have the ability to read the stars, and hence read fate. Starsouls dragons live as long as stars, and the death of one hasn't been recorded yet. Their existence is often an exception to fate, so they can recover from fatal and devastating wounds. Whether this is a blessing or curse is hard to tell. Starsoul dragons often travel to different worlds and live multiple lives, partly to keep themselves from getting bored. If life gets to be too mundane they can choose to hibernate until they have recovered enough energy. Starsoul dragons value a strong community, so they have created their own cities in their own dimension. These cities reflect places and times from their human lives. When a starsoul dragon finds another they wish to be their life partner there's a ritual/ceremony where they give a fragment of their soul to each other. This creates a link where they are connected and can find each other if they are separated. Even though they were once human their dragon sides still influence them with animalistic instincts. They are reincarnated looking 90% similar to their original appearance (in the age they liked the most) with changes such as hair or eye color changing. Each dragon has a 'dragon mark' which is a tattoo like mark other dragons are reincarnated with and used to identify each other. (silver and alders and marks near their eyes)



Alder [ Significant Other ]

Alder is Silver’s significant other. He always travels together with her. Their relationship is a combination of best friends and old married couple.


Silver wolf [ Wolf form ]

Silver's Wolf form. Very fluffy!


Silver dragon [ Dragon form ]

Silver's dragon form. Loves to fly

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