


3 years, 6 months ago


Axel is like a little angy gremlin, he often is grumpy about things and is more action than reason when it comes to situations which...often leads him into getting captured and his ass beat Though depsite his very gremlin like nature and more, he does have friends and a little sister as well named Maria that he often freaks out over when she somehow meets the kraken every now and then, though wouldn't dare to try and piss off syrinx knowing what would happen if he did. Though axel does have a soft side for his little sister as he often sees how maria looks up to him though he does get annoyed of her pretty quickly sometimes but nevertheless axel still loves his little sister depsite how annoying maria can get, often letting her sleep in his room whenever she gets scared to show his "Big brother" self and to not be seen as a wimp. Though most of the time axel is pretty much grumpy and overall a gremlin but if you get to know him he does have a soft side to him under all that grumpiness!