Aninity Salaino



3 years, 9 months ago


Aninity Salaino

|| Female || 32 (looks 27) || Ashai || The Hopeless


Nervous - Slight Temper - Loner

Aninity is a nervous, self conscious type; she tends to worry about everything and anything, and it causes her a great deal of stress. Her temper is easy to set off as her stress already makes her tense, but she usually is able to calm down very quickly. Stress baking helps her out a lot with her issues, but she can get very carried away. All in all she usually has a general feeling of guilt, and enjoys spending most of her hours alone. She never minds quiet company.


Annie grew up in a house with her mother, father, and two sisters. Azzcadillia was her twin, and despite not being full Ashai they still showed the characteristics of them. Azzie excelled way more at the magic their species posessed meanwhile Aninity found it easier to learn new languages than to preform the magic. She was able to learn quite a few languages rather quickly, but because it never was their priority since they did not live in the Ashai village where they had an intended purpose of needing to know many langauges early on. They were a pretty happy family until one day when Azzie was testing some magic she screwed up. The house was quickly engulfed in flames and many of the family members ran out of the house... all except one. Their little sister Ashling. Her father ran into the flames in an attempt to retrieve her recklessly, but it was all for nothing. They both perished in the flames. Annie didn't know what to do. She couldn't even look at her twin, deep down she knows that she balmed her for their deaths, and was angered at their mother for lying to cover Azzie's back. As soon as she hit 18 she left, not telling anyone what her plan was or where she was going. However, as the years past her anger subsided, and she realized she shouldn't be just giving up on family. They could help, they could be there for her. She felt too bad about ditching them she didn't have it in her heart to make up for the mistakes she's made both with her abandonment of them, and the things she's been doing because she was scared and alone. She thought she'd never be able to face them to talk, but what day she did. She saw Azzie at the supermarket, and she actually came up to talk to her. Azzie was doing so much better, her and her friend owned a house together, and she adopted a kid left at her doorstep. She'd become so caring, Annie wept. They ended up catching up, and talking more again finally rekindling their relationship, and even rekindling the relationship with her mother. She feels awful for abandoning them, but she is glad that in the end everything turned out okay.

  • Although she never tried, Annie picked up a lot of langauges and can be conversational in quite a few.
  • She gets the stress baking coping mechanism from her mother.
  • Her theme song is "little Me" by Little Mix
Likes & Dislikes
  • Baking
  • Quiet Places
  • Family
  • Fire
  • The Past
  • Herself