Mr. Shifty



3 years, 6 months ago


Name - tbn

Hero name - Mr. Shifty

Gender - male he/him

Age - 25

High - 6'4

Ethnicity - 

Voice -

Quirk - quantum break

He can slow down/completly stop the movment of time in an area, rewind objects & people, & can free objets & people from the time stop. however things can become distorted, the time freeze can go crazy, & air also freezes/becomes unaccesable to moving objects in the time froze zone. The wider the zone is the harder it is to control it. The zone can't be formed with a a perimeter equal to or lower than 5 ft in all directions

Personality - level headed, secretive, analytical

He is a rather secative man. he avoide sharing iformation & doesn't quite trust others expecually with the liberation army buisness hapening. He keeps his gard up & his head leveled when dealing with others. He opts to work alone even when it's not the best of ideas. He constantly refers to time although he has some steady control over it. It doesn't take very long to get to know him; he makes no effort to hide any emotion or thoughts he has & often thinks aloud regardless of where he is. 

basic info - 

For a guy who has all the time in the world he doesn't sound like it. he constantly says things like "time is not our friend". His actions can become rythmatic at times which would make it easier for vilans to take him out however his quirk is unstopabe once its activated. He tends to do the same things through his day to day scedual. His old class mate can tell it beter than anyone else, its like he just rewinds his daily rutine & plays it back the next day. the same "good morning all", the same breakfast & lunch, & if it wern't for the people around hime, the same dinner. growing up he was a smart kid, studied local & forgen laws & was on the way to being a cop until he learned about the lack of restictions on heroes compaired to plolice & decided to persue becoming a hero. He got into U.A via a recomendation letter. His quirk was almost mastered at this point sense he had been working on for as long as he had it. When he first gained his quirk he had unknowingly slowed down the time in his room. By the time his parents finally got to him half the fornitue in his room had become distorted messes & the other was on it's way. He had passed out due to oxygen loss & was lucky to have survived. He had to learn how to control his quirk cuz back then it was random & unpredictable. he mastered the rewind aspect of his quirk at U.A. He mainly used it to troll the other classes sense they didn't know the extent of his quirk. Many kids were jelous of his quirk back in middle school & often made fun of his repetitive habits. He didn't care much because he didn't like them either. as a profesinal Hero he still dosen't like half the other heroes mainly for small or petty reasons. He's popular with teens & young adults for his lone wolf attitude & the fact that he's not afraid to end a fight permanantly. Almost had his license revoked 3 times due to this but he manages to pull though & keep it

i'll fix the spelling later