$30's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

8BitStorage Global Rules


I have a million usernames, forgive me.

Please read these rules before trading / reselling / ETC!

By purchasing/obtaining/trading my designs or having them in your possession you must follow these rules.
My designs are personal use only unless I have given you written permission with proof posted on a separate tab to use them commercially. Please ask me for commercial usage rights and pricing!

  • just credit me! (don't have to do it all the time for designs, but maybe just the first time you post it somewhere! regarding my artwork, please always credit me!)
  • personal use only. do not make merch or generate profit from my designs or artwork. commercial use can be discussed, please dm me if you are looking to do any of that sort of thing with my designs!
  • freebies cannot be resold or traded unless there is additional art. regifting is ok! 30 day cooldown before trading or reselling a freebie with additional art.
  • design changes are okay as long as it is still recognizable! However, you may NOT make a furry design of mine into a human design without my permission, and vice versa. Please just ask first! species changes (fox to cat, wolf to dragon, etc), gender, alt. palettes, etc. are all okay. You may also redesign them but please still retain my credit and retain the original character images.
  • please do not make sibling copies of my designs. the designs are unique and it must remain as one character, please do not make designs inspired by it. owning the design does not give you rights to recreate sibling designs off of the original.
  • My designs and artwork PROHIBITED from NFT usage. EVEN if it is your art being sold as an NFT / minted -> While I understand I cannot legally enforce your art of my designs not being sold as NFT, I do not want to associate with you and it is heavily against my wishes as an artist. You will be blacklisted from owning any of my other designs immediately. If my artwork is minted or being sold as NFT I will enforce legal action. my designs will never be used for nfts, ever. and i will not associate with them.
  • you can pretty much do whatever u want with them after following the rules above! just please do not use them to promote hateful messages.
Anybody found to be in violation of these terms will be privately (or publicly, if the circumstances are right) blacklisted.

If you have any questions please message me! I'll be happy to answer any questions!