


3 years, 6 months ago



Name Lilian

Called Lily, Lils, Lil' E

Species Half-demon

Pronouns Any

Age 21

Source Devil May Cry

Alignment Chaotic Good

Occupation Devil hunter

Owner subicoru

Designer subicoru

HTML Pinky


The Watchful Eye. Lilian is an artificial half-demon created to safeguard against an ancient, powerful demon sealed beneath the earth. His enchanted eyes allow him to see and identify different types of magic. Although he was dealt an almost comically shitty hand in life, they do their best to keep moving forward, using their infernal powers to hunt down demons that would threaten humans. When he isn't hacking and slashing, Lily manages a small shop selling magical items and curios.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Lilian is generally kindhearted and silly, determined to help out where they can even if they don't get much help themselves. He's a good conversation partner, a trustworthy figure who's always willing to lend an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, but he rarely ever reveals anything about himself. he's much more interested in watching, observing; even beyond his magical eyes, he has a tendency to want to learn about and understand other people. It only takes a few meetings for him to gain a comprehensive picture of someone's persona, learning their likes, dislikes, and how to best interact with them. They'll do this even with evil or antagonistic people, which often leads to problems when they inevitably start to sympathize with the enemy. He won't outright say "I can fix them," but that is often his obvious goal.


  • His friends
  • Artificial cherry flavor
  • People-watching
  • Fucking around


  • His eyes
  • Too-sunny days
  • Migraines
  • Finding out


  • Painting
  • Woodcarving
  • Watching documentaries
  • Procrastinating


  • Empathetic
  • Observant
  • Friendly
  • Affectionate


  • Avoidant
  • Impulsive
  • Overwhelming
  • Enigmatic


  • The dark
  • Catastrophies
  • Demon King Urizen
  • Shower ghost


Height 5'6" in/168 cm

Build Slender and lean

Eyes Fucked up

Skin Tone Porcelain

Hair Color Black (w/ purple tips)

Hair Style Tied back

Accessories Blindfold


  • She wears a top with detached sleeves under his jacket
  • His tongue is blue, and serrated like a goose's
  • Their platform shoes add an extra 3in/7.6cm to their height
  • Their nails are naturally black














  • Combat knowledge
  • Perception
  • Pattern recognition
  • Instinct


  • Decision paralysis
  • High mana consumption
  • Physical weakness
  • Poor teamwork


Enchanted Eyes

Lilian's eyes allow him to see energies and magic. However, making eye contact with then can be painful, so they keep them covered. He can still see through his blindfold by percieving the magic energy around him, a bit like infrared vision. The constant visual stimuli, even when his eyes are covered or closed, often leaves his with migraines and distrubed sleep.

Demonic Magic

Lilian's strong suit lies in his magical ability. Their eyes can inflict illusions and hallucinations with contact alone. While his opponent is blinded, he can use powerful spells that take more time to cast. The spells he normally uses require massive amounts of energy, though, so even though he has a large mana pool, it's used up quickly in battle.

Weapon Mastery

Although he normally leans towards small swords, Lilian can use most weapon types with relative proficiency.

Demon Physiology

Lilian is able to survive injuries that would be fatal to a normal human, as well as regenerate his body. He also has enhanced strength and speed, although he is weak by demon standards, so he is about as strong as a healthy, muscular human twice his size.



Ancient Caverns —

Around 200 years before Lilian's birth, a powerful demon managed to force its way into the Human World. It reigned havoc on the region, killing swathes of humans and destroying thousands of homes and cities. Regarding the humans as weak and frail, it took whatever it wanted with no regard for consequences. However, the frail humans wouldn't stay underfoot forever. Developing new magics and anti-demon weaponry, the humans fought to take back their homes. After a ferocious battle, the demon was sealed deep underground within a network of caverns.

For decades, it seemed as though the demon no longer posed any threat, but its constant thrashing against the confines of the seal weakened the magic over time. The descendants of the original fighters realized that, if something wasn't done, it would soon escape. But they couldn't just reinforce the seal; the spell had been lost to time after the deaths of their ancestors. After frantically weighing their options, they came to a decision; they would offer the demon a sacrifice, hoping to make its prison more tempting than freedom. They ventured down into the caves and approached the seal, leaving one of their compatriots behind. When the time came for the demon to break free, it did not appear on the surface. The sacrifice had worked, but a single person wouldn't keep it satisfied forever.

Years passed and more and more people offered themselves up to the demon to protect their home. But soon, the demon grew tired of willing sacrifices. It wanted prey that would fight back against their death. So its keepers began to steal people from around the region as offerings; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. But even that became boring to the demon after some time. Even though the sacrifices resisted, killing them was still child's play. It wanted a battle. So, the keepers began sending warriors who fought to the death, but it still wasn't enough. They were strong fighters, yes. But they were still human. Still weak. The demon sought entertainment.

The keepers were at a loss. How could they offer something that was more than human? They puzzled over this until a foreigner from a distant island appeared to them, sharing their research on technology that would allow human and demon flesh to combine, creating something even greater; an angel. Thrilled with this breakthrough discovery, the keepers wasted no time in gathering the needed materials and facilities. The chosen subjects were children; their still-developing bodies were found to respond better to the treatments. After tireless research and numerous failures, they managed to create a stable hybrid, which they offered to the demon in the caverns. When the offering succeeded, they quickly set to work raising up more angels.

Demon's Run —

Lilian was handed over to the keepers as an infant, far too early to have any memory of their parents. The demonic DNA he was integrated with granted him a pair of magical eyes. Once his training began, he was also found to have high magical aptitude, although his physical skills were lacking. Furthermore, his powerful vision caused his other senses to dull to the point he relied almost entirely on his eyes. The keepers attempted to correct this by forcing him to fight while blind, but this only succeeded in making him fearful of anything he couldn’t see. Still, despite his shortcomings, he was proving to be a promising sacrifice.

Ideally, the angels were not to find out about their purpose before the time came for their offering, but Lilian was observant. And that observation soon turned to suspicion. Unconvinced that he was training to be a “guardian” as the keepers claimed, he watched their every move until he was able to get into the project documentation. There, he found out what was intended for his, and although he now knew the truth, he also knew that an escape attempt would be pointless. There was only one time where they were certain an opening would present itself; during the sacrifice. They began to construct a plan.

When the time came, Lilian was brought down into the caverns, acting as though he knew nothing right up until the keepers left his tied to the altar. Using a knife they’d hidden in their throat with their pharyngeal jaws, they cut themselves free and made for the exit, but were stopped in their tracks by a looming shadow. The demon had awoken before he’d escaped; now, he had no choice but to fight. Arming himself with the weapons scattered around the cavern, they attacked the demon with everything they had.

Even with their resolve, Lilian was struck down mere minutes after the fight began. All of their planning had amounted to nothing; it seemed they’d just become another part of the cycle after all. But, as the demon prepared its final blow, he took note of the flow of magic within the cavern. It was flowing through a specific tunnel out of the central chamber, creating a path. Where did it lead? Lilian had no choice but to find out.

With the last of his strength, he bolted from the cavern, following the energy trail, the demon on his heels. The tunnels sloped upward; they were nearing the surface. Finally, after running for what felt like hours, Lilian found an exit sealed with a heavy door. he couldn’t open it hisself, but… The demon was more than capable. Just as it charged, Lilian rolled underneath it, letting it smash into the door and force it open. To his surprise, they’d emerged right in the center of the keepers’ laboratory. The demon was now free.

It quickly lost interest in Lilian as screams filled the air and people fled in a panic. Realizing where it had ended up, the demon broke out in wicked laughter as it began to rain down destruction on the facility. In the chaos, Lilian found hisself able to slip away, all attention focused on containing the ancient evil. Weaving through the carnage, he bolted out of the lab and into the forest beyond, sparing not even a single glance back as everything was torn apart in his wake.

Stargazer —

Lilian did not reappear for some time. Taking on a pseudonym and disguising himself with illusions, he began working as a hired gun, specializing in jobs involving demons. Outside of work, he had little interaction with the outside world, mostly staying inside and advertising his services online. Soon, though, they started to grow curious. Even though they were hired to do violent work, their clients often treated them kindly, genuinely grateful that he helped them when most people would scoff at being asked to solve a “demonic possession.” Some even gave his gifts, all of which he cherished without quite knowing why. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to get to know the world.

They decided to open a small store in Red Grave City. The front of the store seemed like your average antique and curio shop, but in the back he dealt in Devil Arms and cursed weapons. To his surprise, he quite liked it. He enjoyed interacting with the customers, the regulars, the people who wandered into the wrong building, even those who acted rather nasty towards him (although the enjoyment came from watching them scurry away after fixing them with a demonic gaze). Against all odds, he was content. It was nice.

Of course, when the Qliphoth emerged, everything was thrown up in the air again. This time, though, Lilian wasn’t so scared. He had survived before, and this time would be no different. What he didn’t expect, though, was competition in an industry most people didn’t even believe existed. Just who were these ‘Devil May Cry’ folks?


  • Lilian appears mostly human, but has rather strange anatomy, including a second pair of jaws in his throat, stomach acid capable of breaking down stone, and an extra organ specifically for filtering demonic magic.
  • In periods of high emotion, his demonic instincts may start to consume his and cause his to act more violent.
  • If they're really high-strung, like during a fight that's gone on for a while, they may abandon their weapons and attack with tooth and nail.
  • She can eat meat raw as well as cooked. he has a slight preference for the former.
  • He would like to become a streamer, but his eyes cause cameras to malfunction and he can't use a computer blindfolded.