egg's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

!!PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE TRADING OR PUTTING UP FOR TRADE!! hi! here are some notes on what and what not to do with my designs! 1: PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THE ART OF THE ORIGINAL PICTURE OF THE CHARACTER! 2: feel free to edit the design of the character ive traded you! 3: please add some art before retrading, selling or giving away the character! if you dont want to, PLEASE contact me and get permission to trade / sell / give away the character without adding art first!! 4: if you push around someone to trade you their character for one i've designed, are rude to them and end up on their blacklist or force them to make a trade they don't want to do and i find out about it, I WILL BLACKLIST YOU. it's really unkind people do that and i know from experience. 5: please wait at least 24 hours to trade a character i have designed for you 6: if you co own a design of mine, thats absolutely fine! however! do NOT drag me into any disputes, as i am not responsible for anything like that, i'm only the designer! 7: PLEASE DONT DRAW NSFW OF ANY CHARACTERS IVE DESIGNED! its sorta gross hh ;; 8: dont trade my designs to anyone on my blacklist!! thats all! thank you for reading!!

urbro Global Rules

read this then message me for tradeability permissions :)

- dont resell designs that you haven't added art to

- it'd be nice if you kept them public, but chill if not

that's it really lol