Zachary Zacharte (Zachary's English Profile)



3 years, 6 months ago



wR5tHpo.pngHP 50%
Strength 35%
Constitution 30%
Speed 75%
Dexterity 95%
Intelligence 30%
Wisdom 65%
Charisma 50%


Name Zachary Zacharte
Alias The Loose Bullet
Age 23
Gender Male
Origin Pascal Kingdom
Race Lepusyr
Class Ranger
Social Status Commoner
Heigth 1, 78 cm//5'10 Ft.
Build Stocky

"A gentleman takes a bullet, me? I prefer to shoot them."

  • Lud
  • Soup
  • Bitter Chocolate
  • Wood Carving
  • Art
  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Strong Aromas


Social Reserved
Emphatic Logical
Dishonest Sincere
Serious Expresive
Cautious Risky












Guerilla Tactics

[ Passive ]

During battle, Zachary's senses heighten, increasing his proficiency in survivability, perception, and stealth. If he succeeds in defeating an enemy, he receives a slowly decaying speed and strength boost.

Romantic Promise


[ Passive ]

Lud and Zachary are bonded, so they both receive the effects of Guerrilla Tactics and Self Pace when they are close to each other.

Trained Gunner

[ Passive ]


Zachary has three guns, two pistols (Bella and Letty) and a cannon (Boomer).

The pistols (Bella and Letty) allow him to attack twice and penetrate heavy armor.

The cannon (Boomer) has more range and deals area damage.


Wild Tackling

[ Basic Ability ]

Zachary lunges towards the feet of his target, hitting their legs and causing them to lose their balance and then shoot them at point-blank range.

Dancing Bullet

Fire at Will



[ Basic Ability ]

Zachary fires a heavy bullet that pierces multiple enemies. If guerilla tactics is active, the bullet will ricochet to the nearest enemy.

Zachary increases the attack speed of his cannon, sacrificing range, his area damage increases significantly.

Lead Rain




[ Advanced Ability ]

Zachary shoots into the air multiple times, bullets falling onto the battlefield with the ability to destroy armor in the process. With guerilla tactics, he shoots even more bullets.

Zachary clings to his cannon, using it to drift to a location, dealing explosive damage upon landing. With guerrilla tactics, there are three jumps that cause minor burns to those affected by the impact.

Violent Chatter

Explosive Surprise



[ Ultimate ]

Zachary positions himself and begins to launch constant waves of bullets towards his enemies in a wide area. Automatically giving him the benefits of guerilla tactics.

Zachary launches a huge grenade that explodes and knocks enemies close to impact. Automatically giving him the benefits of guerilla tactics.


Travel Backpack [ Equipment ]
An ordinary leather backpack, which can keep many things inside.

Boomer (Cannon) [ Artillery ]
A slightly heavy barrel that can be easily carried. It uses magic to fire magic bombs that deal area damage. To handle it, you need to use both hands.

Betty y Letty (Guns) [ Firearms ]
Two small barrels that can be easily used with one hand. They use magic to fire small magic bullets that penetrate slightly heavy armor.

Leather Coat [ Armor ]
A purple leather coat that slightly protects the body from conventional weapons and projectiles.

Piercings [ Cosmetic ]
A set of piercings, perfect for any boy who wants to achieve a "rebellious" look.

Magic Gunpowder Compartment [ Treasure ]
A few small compartments used for his Lepusyr magic modified weapons. They automatically create gunpowder and ammunition for the weapon in question. When finished, it requires filling with a simple and fine element, such as sand, lime or real gunpowder.

Tabaxi Army Knife [ Tool ]
A Razor with a yellow handle and a shiny silver color, can be used as a weapon and as a tool. It was gifted to Zachary by Lud on their first anniversary.



Zachary is a Lepusyr, a kind of beast-man who was in territorial conflict with humans for several years. Due to their ancient nature of creating underground nests, they had a clash with humans even before the wars between humans and creatures. They are magically fit, strong and especially fast, surpassing humans without pain or glory.

Early Years

Zachary was born into the nucleus of a humble family, his father and mother being gunners in the army of the Pascal kingdom. When he was 3 years old, his parents were sent on a mission where they both died in action. Alone and helpless, he remained for a while at home, surviving thanks to the kindness of the neighbors, but due to the conditions in which the population of his area lived, he quickly became a nuisance.

He met a small group of orphans who had a lair in a little resorted part of the kingdom, befriending them and becoming their family. He began to live by robbing local neighbors, sneaking among people and stealing as much gold as possible to get food. Thanks to this, his friends nicknamed him "Sneaky". It was not long until the guards caught him, being sent to another area of the kingdom, where he would not cause more problems.


His early teenage years were spent in the charge of the Ex-General of the guerrilla army, Mrs. Cynthia Ximera, this woman took care of the boy, also receiving the boys with whom he lived, giving them a place to sleep in the training camps of the mercenaries. Because she had been the person who had sent his parents to war, and being close to Zach's grandfather, she grew attached to the young man quickly, teaching him everything she knew to make him a good mercer and serve the army.

After a couple of years, having already finished his training with his friends, and then succeeding in a series of missions, he managed to rub shoulders with the society from which he was exiled as a child. This is how he met Prince Malek of the Keone kingdom, flirting with him and thus getting an invitation to his bed, and to the royal party that would happen in a few days.

That's where he met Lud, the radiant boy moved from side to side with a smile, the bells of his ears making him always the center of attention wherever he went. Zachary took an immediate interest ... with the bells the prince was bringing. He knew that if he got those treasures, he could get enough gold to get out of that filthy kingdom and get a life he did deserve.

That's how she began planning to get close to the boy, win him over, get enough jewelry to run away with her friends, and never come back. But something would have interrupted that plan.

And that was Lud himself. It turns out that all of Zach's rebellious and free aura captivated Lud's curiosity in a way that Zach didn't expect. The extreme tenderness of the boy, showing his innocence and naivety to danger, also helped Zachary not be able to make the advances that he would have achieved with Malek or anyone else.

Eventually, Lud decided to run away with Zachary to have an adventure, and Zachary, who had already given up on conquering him and getting something from him, agreed to indulge him.


Zachary did not expect that the trip he would take with Lud would make him see so many things in a different way, he gained experience through spending so much time moving, doing missions and gaining prestige as adventurers. Slowly, Zach's heart began to soften for Lud, putting aside his thieving habits and lousy manners, and finding his true reason for being: To be an adventurer who wanted to conquer the world alongside the boy who changed his. Eventually, Zachary proposed to Lud, and the two began to have a relationship that they maintained for several years.




[ Significant Other ]

They have been dating since they were 19 years old, already having four years of relationship, and being on an adventure together for the same amount of time. Zachary loves Lud with all his heart, being able to do absolutely anything for more cheesy, exaggerated and unbecoming of him in order to see him happy.



[ Best Friend ]

He met Alan while on the hunt for Tynam's treasure, his first interaction being Alan grabbing him and Lud by the ears, mistaking them for giant rabbits. Eventually, they both became rivals and best friends, challenging each other to do their best in battle and both actively protecting Lud and Ramiel. They tend to make a lot of jokes together, plus they get in and out of trouble all the time.



[ Best Friends ]

Zachary joined Ramiel's team to indulge Lud, ignoring the little Dreamling for a while, but eventually becoming a brotherly figure to him. They have mutual respect and tend to watch their backs on emotional matters, usually chatting about how important their partners are to them.



[ Friend ]

He met Lynx by joining Ramiel's team. She slightly intimidates him and tends to keep his distance from her, mostly because of the strong perfume she always uses, which bothers him. They don't usually talk to each other, unless Zachary wants to know a tip or two on how to deal with Lud when he makes mistakes. Sometimes they trade ambush pets that they both know from their expertise.