


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info












Faerie - Court of Oak; Wild Hunt


Basic Information
STYLISH Maned Pawed-Cloven Seelie Fae Lambicorn
{Edits: Base - long claws, antler imp horns. Custom - mane, ears, wavy fur, braided tail, four eyes, coloured sclera, small pupil, wide mouth, forked tongue, profile edit, bone-textured nose, asymmetrical markings, horn carvings, hoof carvings, claw carvings, nose carvings, horn magic, eye magic, floating wisps}
{Accessories: Golden septum ring, moss cloak, carved wolf skull mask}
Hex Codes: #25340b #435c19 #5a7828 #73923d #91b058 #ccb690 #faefdb #feeb71 #ffad31
Additional Accessory Hex Codes: #344614 #111804

Personality & Magic
Cailleach is calm and patient most of the time, which can be rather surprising due to her fierce appearance. However, there is a wildness in her that can never be tamed. She has a deep appreciation for all of the little things in life. She loves nature, dance, and music above all else - particularly Gaelic music. Caille is very graceful in everything she does; almost supernaturally so.
Like most fae, Caille absolutely despises technology - to the point that she emits an aura with a 10 foot radius that will completely disable any technology temporarily, or even cause it to go haywire due to the wild faerie magic she exudes.
Though she isn't angered easily, any damage to the natural environment (save harvesting foods or picking flowers, so long as one only takes what one needs) will cause her to fly into a rage. She sees herself as a guardian of nature, and takes her job very seriously. When angered, Caille will create illusions of the things someone fears the most, seemingly bringing their fears to life. She will also plague them with endless nightmares if they fall asleep. If that doesn't deter the aggressor, she will call forth the forest itself. Roots, vines, rocks; all will come alive and fight to defend themselves. Using such powers comes at a price, though, and will often leave her exhausted in their wake.
On the more peaceful side of things, Caille can cause plants to grow at a quicker pace, as well as manipulate them with her magic. She can also freely phase between the material world and the Faerie realm.
There is a lot Caille doesn't understand about the Land of Dreams, including many societal standards as well as most forms of humour. She is exceedingly formal when dealing with non-faerie lambies, except of course when they desecrate nature.

The dreams she brings are truly wild, and have to do with reverting back to one's primal roots.