


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Last name


First name







Asagao Academy


A 3rd year senior attending Asagao Academy, currently contemplating about her future. Can often be found sitting in the library. 

Sociable | Friendly | Reliable | Rational | Clever 

Goal focused | Calculating

Disinterested | Self-centered | Coldly logical | Manipulative

From very early on, the notions of discipline, knowledge and obedience were taught as the very basics upon which the Amano household is established. In a place where family dynamics is based on merit and achievement, Sui quickly realised that her circumstances were particularly exceptional: while the other kids were having fun in the playground, she was taught lessons about manners, history and current events. When she wasn’t doing paperwork, she’d be practicing violin, one of the few hobbies she had, despite having to participate in recitals and competitions. 

Sui did not dislike such a busy lifestyle however- she understood the responsibilities that came with being part of the Amano household and was more than eager to rise up to the expectations imposed on her.  However, her aim was not to succeed as the chosen heiress- she couldn't care less about the title as she aimed to become much more than a mere puppet to the family and its ways. Just as the Amano household had been using her, she had been taking full advantage of its name and prestige to gain more knowledge and establish connections for future business opportunities. Her end objective? To eventually branch off the Amano name and set up her own private company- one that would be free of the old ways and grant her complete liberty over the decisions. 

Dedicating most of her time towards honing her social abilities and piling up intellectual knowledge, Sui grew to become a very pragmatic person, prioritizing profit and results over anything else. She doesn’t hesitate to use manipulative methods if it meant that she could get her way, after all she had come this far, she would do whatever it took to meet her end goal. 


Graduation came and went, along with memories of morning glories scattering away like a distant dream [fin]

full bio!