Astoria's Comments

Hello there! :3 

I am interested in adopting this kiddo! I thought I'd try giving you some offers first! 

I have some kiddos here for trade if you're interested. 

Or I can offer some art! Ferals are my specialty, my Anthros are medium, and I'm not that great at humanoids, but I can try them nonetheless! 

I can offer a full body and a bust! 


If you want shading, here's examples of my shading

I thought the 3 headed wolf guy was pretty cute though maybe another time😄 as I think I will go with art instead. Could both be shaded pleas? Here are the characters I’d like to have drawn💖 Samba & Chroma

Sure thing! :D

Which would you like to have for the full body and which for the bust? Or is it dealer's choice? 

Fullbody for Samba ^^

Awesome :D

I had started the full body, I just have to finish coloring and shading it, and I should have them both done by the end of the day! :3 by art style is quick by nature

Samba turned out great!! I love it <3

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