Meat the Hyena



Basic Info


Meat the Hyena


A feral hyena driven by her base desires for food and survival


Meat, her claws, her pointy spear, her cave home, strong warriors, trusted allies


Leafy foods, bugs, fire, winged mobians, being mocked by others, faded memories of her past


Cave in the Mystic Ruins (formerly her laboratory)


Super Strength, Heightened Senses, and Teleportation (Meat uses the Chaos energy stored inside of her to send herself a short distance away or even to another dimension)

Current Worth:



*Feel free to change her backstory when adopted

In the past she was known as Emma, a prominent researcher in the study of Chaos energy. She had dedicated her life to the goal of creating synthetic Chaos Emeralds based on the original ones. To this end, Emma had built herself a lab in the Mystic Ruins so she could be alone. She tirelessly worked to create a perfect imitation Emerald, seeking to use it as a power source to benefit society. Emma's first experimental Emeralds lacked power, while the next batch lacked consistency and fell apart during testing. It was her 55th attempt that finally resulted in a success. When tested as an energy source, the synthetic Emerald proved to be stable, generating energy at a consistent rate. This was it, she thought: the ultimate energy source! With this Emerald, Emma could power small towns to entire cities. This would change the world!

She was filled with glee by her triumph - until there was a sudden overload in her computer system. Brimming with power, the synthetic Emerald began sending out excess amounts of Chaos energy. Emma tried to stop it. But before she could turn off the machine her computer exploded, sending shockwaves of Chaos energy through her body and the lab, destroying everything. When the smoke cleared, her lab was now in ruins with the fake Emerald being left intact. As for Emma, she'd managed to survive the explosion. However the unleashed Chaos energy had changed her inside and out. The energy had given Emma bigger muscles, increased stamina and heightened senses. But it also regressed her mind, robbing the hyena of her intellect and reducing her to a mere cavewoman.

She had become a feral animal who only yearned to kill and eat wild animals to survive. Emma the scientist was no more. Now there was only...Meat.