


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info





Year of Birth

Y752 NA






Black Flaxen Chestnut



Eye Color

Dark Brown


Fiáin (NPC) - deceased


Caillte (NPC) - deceased


100% Oakfern

Magic Type




- Jumpy... literally.

Amadán is a jittery little stag. His body twitches uncontrollably from a tic disorder, and he has a hard time speaking without stuttering, unless he makes an effort to speak slowly. Consequently, Amadán comes across as awkward and nervous, when really he just wants to be taken seriously.

- Foolish.

Amadán is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He isn't stupid, but he can be dense and often naive. A lot will sail straight over his head if you're not spelling it out for him. If you really want your message to get across, it's best to skip the subtleties and get straight to the point.

- Selfish.

Very rarely will Amadán do something that is not to his own benefit. He'll avoid deeds for others at his own expense, and in the case of danger, he's guaranteed to save his own hide first.

- Loyal.

It is not difficult to get him to open up, when shown kindness. Despite his unconscious policy of "me first," Amadán will try hard -- perhaps, too hard -- to please the few he considers friends. An eye for an eye. He fears abandonment, being secretly lonely and attention-starved.

- Repentant.

Looking back on his mistakes is a struggle, and if they're small enough to ignore, he'll do so. Those that can't be denied, however, take a toll on him. He will try to right his wrongs when they eat enough at his mind. It is mostly thanks to this that Amadán became a tutor; having wasted his opportunity to become a shaman, he learned magic later in life and decided to use it to keep others from repeating his mistakes.

- Nurturing.

Amadán has a big soft spot for fawns. He makes a unexpectedly good babysitter, as he is endlessly patient and gentle with children. To him, they are bright and full of potential, with a whole life ahead of them yet to be shaped. As such, he does not like getting too close to fawn sacrifices...


Amadán has a tear in one ear, pale green painted matkings, and a false charm a water magic charm made from painted stones. His charm is always tied around an antler, or an ankle when his antlers have shed. His body is lithe and scrawny, and his rack isn't any more intimidating. He privately works hard to keep his mane and tail neat.


Amadán's family composed of his mother, father, and younger brother. His father Fiáin was very loving to his children, yet outside he was warmongering and picked fights at any opportunity. Eventually this lead to his death when Amadán was still young. His mother Caillte, on the other hand, was depressed and withdrawn, habitually going off alone purely to isolate herself. She left Amadán alone when she could get away with it, and as a result, he spent an abundance of time looking after his little brother, Ceart.

During one of their mother's periods of absence, the two brothers ventured up to the surface for their own little "adventure," ignorant of just how dangerous it was; being left so often without a chaperone made them much too bold. A jaguar eventually took advantage of their vulnerability; it aimed for his brother, being the smaller of the two, giving Amadán the chance to flee home. When he returned, Caillte delivered no punishment whatsoever, but rather sunk even deeper into her shell than before. Amadán saw very little of her from then on. He has no idea where his mother is now, but since growing up, he has his suspicions.

Amadán has emotionally recovered from the incident, aside from the development of minor insomnia, as recurring nightmares of the incident haunt him. He represses the memory as often as he can, but the longer he does so, the worse it comes back to hit him. Sometimes, he thinks the voice of his conscience sounds like Ceart's...

For a time, he was desperate to make a place for himself in Oakfern and strove to be a powerful shaman. He had a much more impish mind back then, inventing tall tales, nasty tricks, and anything to get noticed. However, he was never chosen by the Oracle to train as a shaman, like he'd dreamed, and it forced him to realize he'd been fooling himself; you don't get what you want just by wanting it hard enough.  Shortly after this came the death of his brother, pushing Amadán into an entirely new -- and incredibly scary -- perception of his life. He avoided others more and more as his nightmares intensified, until a period came (~Y761) where he spent his days mindlessly wandering the tunnels... He practiced magic in solitude and rarely interacted with herdmates. It wasn't until Y765 that he found the courage to change and try becoming a tutor. One might assume he spent the time meditating and reflecting, and is more "grown up" now because of it; more cautious, more mindful, more responsible.  But if you were to ask him, he'd say it was nothing but a time of petrifying darkness, one which he's surprised he walked out of alive.

Skill Points

Speed: 19 [Medium Level]
Stamina: 16 [Medium Level]
Strength: 2 [Basic Level] (Build Cap: 9 points max)

Magic: 48 [Master Level - ]

Herbs: 2 [Basic Level]
