


7 years, 5 months ago



  • 906807?1517829639
  • Age Ancient [Visually 28]
  • SexMale ♂ [Any Pronouns]
  • SpeciesEntity Witch [Swamp Witch]
  • RaceN/A [Scottish accent]
  • SexualityHomosexual
  • Marital StatusSingle
  • AlignmentNeutral Evil

Swamp witch, swamp b i t ch, Eldwin is a entity who is referred to as a 'witch' by mortals for practicing magic. He's Brádan's best friend, since the two's sheer existences, if you ask the age of Eldwin he'll usually dodge it or pick a random number, a lot of the time it doesn't match up even, and it's frequently changing. 

[✔] SFW ۰  [✔] NSFW ۰ [✔] Gore


Weight: 76 kgs / 168 lbs
Origin: Unknown
Height: 1,88 m /  6'2 
Build: Slim/ Broad, faint muscle on arms and chest
Personality:Goofy | Flirty | Cunning | Cheeky | Nosy | Bold
Theme: ♫ ♫ ♫
  • Magic, trinkets, Brádan, his witch friends, Masego, making potions, testing potions, 
  • Raccoons (trash bandits) elegant men, naps, arguing, his witch friends,  the swamps, frogs
  • Winter, snow, Christmas, dry heat, Santa costumes, annoying people, big cities
  • Being yelled at, being bored, being wrong, when something eats his raccoons
  • Fighting with Brádan, the cold, 


Occupation:Potion Master & Beast Creator
Alternate Forms:Cinnadog
Obtained:Designed myself
Worth:A lot / would never sell anyways 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.



Random Facts

  • Refers to himself as a witch or warlock, he doesn't care what you call him though, can be witch, warlock, wizard, sorcier etc. Although his default sex is male he doesn't care what pronouns you use on  him or what you call him in general, he doesn't care about genders or gender roles.
  • He is ancient just like Bradán, they've been together for centuries. best frans foreverr
    They also have an unusual relationship compared to other best friends
  • Doesn't understand love or if he even does 'love' anyone, He doesn't know how that's supposed to feel like, he sort of just goes with the flow. This is also why he's not really romantic.
  • Has 2 pet gators (Rascal & Boo) and a black cat with orange eyes named Salem. 
  • Finds Masego charming and cool. Shares his love for gators.
  • If wearing clothes, his clothes are usually typical voodoo-like, torn with a lot of beads and feathers. He sometimes wears torn crop tops and torn tights with shorts. Can also wear spooky-Halloween themed formal wear. His clothing style is leaning in the feminine /neutral direction
  • Doesn't wear much clothes, prefers to show a lot of skin or just be flat out naked.
  • Although he wants a man with money as well, he is actually solely focused on a man's personality.
  • Unable to reproduce and is fine with that. He's not a fan of children anyways and if he was to consider them someday, he'd rather adopt anyways. Just like how he keeps adopting a bunch of animals in the forest. 


[ Best Friend ] Best friend who has been around him for as long as he can remember. The two of them are extremely old but appearing young. Both have incredible powers. Although Eldwin is not Bradán's type he claims if he didn't have Lance, then Eldwin would probably be his section husband choice, simply because they just know each other for so long and are used to being together. 



[ Good Friend ] Being ancient witches together, the two know each other for ages, not as long as Brádan and Eldwin know each other but still, very long. The two often make potions together or hang out at night pranking humans and other creatures.  



[ Good Friend ] Old friend of Eldwin and Devin. They had been the witch trio when Brádan left for a period of time, leaving Eldwin alone. Eldwin then found Devin and Cecil. 



[ Good Friend ] Eldwin's only human friend who offered him a place to stay until he gets himself his own house. Teejay of course has a crush on Eldwin, like he does on most of his friends. Naturally, he's been friend zoned by Eldwin, like most of his friends do, Brádan included. Eldwin and Teejay are considered 'friends with benefits' although romantic interest comes from Teejay's side.



[ Good Friend ] Eldwin finds Lance charming and sexy, it's mutual too, but he knows Lance is exclusively reserved to Brádan and he respects this of course. Eldwin would never go against Brádan in any way or mix up in his relationship. He puts Brádan first, always, as does Lance. They're good friends Lance and Eldwin.