Karina Haugen



3 years, 4 months ago



Name Karina Haugen
Gender Female
Age 30
DoB October 16, 1987
Height 5'4"
Sexuality heterosexual- but questioning & curious
ESP Ability none
Creator Roi
CSS Eggy


  • being pampered- specifically, by a (potential) partner
  • winter; more specifically, the snow
  • big cities


  • strong perfumes and colognes
  • when your hot drinks get cold
  • most sodas


Karina is a kind soul, patient and understanding. She greatly enjoys taking care of others and her empathy is rarely outmatched. That being said, her motherly side also reaffirms that she can be firm and steadfast in her decisions- regardless if you're a child or an adult. That's not to say she doesn't occasionally slip up and let a couple of bad habits slide under her radar. Everybody has vices- sometimes it's okay to indulge. It would seem she's a little more uptight lately though- a little easier to upset, a little more irritated than she usually is. Like something is on her mind.


It was no surprise when Karina was asked to join in on another contractor mission with the FBI. She fully understood why she was asked, since it was a trafficking ring that revolves around children. Without hesitation, Karina accepted the job. She's a bit shy, knowing it's a new team that's with Lex that Karina doesn't know that well. But, she'll get to know them! Once Angel, Rigo and Sawyer are rescued and taken into their protective custody, Karina finds herself rather busy. She keeps her eye on them, and keeps the HQ in order with the kids- Mila included- while the others work hard.


Karina led a relatively normal life. Her grandparents are from northern Europe, which means she speaks with a slight accent. Growing up, she mulled over different careers in her head. Originally she intended to go into nursing, but felt it was too competitive and difficult. Instead, she decided to try psychology. She loves talking with others, and felt it was a career that would put her social skills and analytical skills to use. She was a natural!

Through college, she would try dating out. It took her a few years and a handful of failed relationships, but she met another student she really liked. The two ended up getting married after a couple of years- not her brightest idea, in hindsight. Karina and her husband were doing fine, though would sometimes get miffed at the other thanks to finances, lack of time together and whatever else rubbed the other wrong. In fact, after a three year marriage, Karina has only recently gotten a divorce. It's been a few months since it's been official, and it's obviously a sore spot for her. She's pretty tired of hearing the "haha but you're a psychiatrist!" line.

Her career was the double edge sword. It pulled in great work for her, but the sacrifice was her relationship. Karina found herself a great asset with working alongside children, and could often coax children to give more details that investigators couldn't get out of them. When a case that Karina was helping on crossed state lines is when she was noticed by the FBI. She had great potential. As of right now, she's only hired as a contractor of sorts- not quite an official agent, but one of the first they come to hire onboard temporarily when her specific services are needed. It's how she met Lex, and ultimately become the one therapist that Lex trusted most to help the team.


  • Karina's longest relationship was almost 5 years- her divorce was earlier in 2018.
  • Karina speaks with an accent. She can speak Norwegian.
  • Karina is in the midst of figuring her own self out- specifically sexuality. Is she just curious- or interested?
  • Regardless of sexuality, she'd love to be a mother one day.
  • Karina strongly believes in the paranormal and supernatural, despite not having an ESP gift.
  • Karina is at her brink if you catch her drinking or- even worse- stealing a smoke. An unfortunate habit she started up thanks to her dissolving relationship.
  • Karina is actually pretty good at video games- specifically, fighting games.



Alvin Barlowe

 twin brother 

Zayne's elder twin brother. Zayne adores Alvin and thinks his brother is perfect. They're incredibly close. Though Zayne has a leader personality, he's usually following Alvin around.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.