


3 years, 5 months ago


Master of Misfortune, pains, and tedious tasks.

Some of his loves are chess, monopoly, complex math, watching paint dry, and watching humans pluck their eyebrows.

Much to one's surprise, a chaotic neutral with a fondness for humanity and much of what it offers. He finds their plays and odd trinkets both endearing and entertaining.

To humans, he most often appears as a bipedal plantigrade creature with an odd mix of features, including tall ears, two sets of reptilian eyes, sharp fangs, and a body of prickly fur and spines. He is generally found wearing clothing, which usually consists of loose T-shirts, leather jackets, and excessively tight skinny jeans. Almost always, these clothes are full of various tears and rips due to his sharp nature.

A playful creature, he has a tendency to make light of things, whether it be with laughter, pranks, or mockery. With a fierce need for entertainment and distractions, he is always seeking the new and intriguing, and more often than not, causing some level of pain or mischief.
As his nature goes, he torments, pokes, prods, and pesters humans. Most of this is harmless and minor, but when he gets in a mood, he can quickly became dangerous and even lethal to the unfortunate ones around at the time.
Sometimes pesters animals too, but has a softer spot for them.

Usually found hanging around urban areas as they are hot spots for his entertainment, but is also drawn to nature and likes to admire rural scenes and sprawling greenery. He usually keeps his torments away from nature and those living in such places.

He has a "range" of torments, much more than what could be listed, but for the physical/painful generally; Biting, nipping, slapping, stabbing, bruising, prickling.
As for the "tedious" side, it leans more into mild annoyances for humans to deal with. Such as; cracks in walls, squeaking doors, potholes, pipes leaking, rusty tools, loose wheels, locked doors, etc.

Of course, these are excluding when he is in a "mood". You certainly don't want to be caught hanging around when he is in one, as they rarely end well.
In a mood, he often causes things such as; excessive pain, loose ligaments, allergic reactions, tripping on stairs, loose earth/mud slides, weakening to foundations, ripped power cords, explosive septic systems, has leaks, agitated animals, and so on.

Inherently, you could certainly say he is a nasty and unpleasant thing due to all this, although I feel its important to say that he isn't all bad. He serves his role to humanity in that he brings things to "light". He highlights issues that were previously unseen, and aids to the bettering and learning of humanity. Its easy to forget this though, and more often than not, he is seen as nothing more than a pest, his purpose simply thought out as being evil or harmful. He won't correct those that think so, although in a time long past he may have. Its easier to just give up and accept what everyone else seems to think.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Hunnybee