Mimi's Comments

Would you ever consider taking offers on them? Your TH warning says that everyone is UFO, but I just wanted to check with this specific character to see if it's okay first! ^^'

yeah offer away !!^^

Oh cool! I was hoping to offer USD, I was wondering if you had a price in mind or general idea of their worth?

i dont have a clue tbh

mayb around $15-$20 ?? 

u do also have some ocs in ur for sale folder that interest me but its all up to whatever u feel like doin !! :]

If I can get a small hold until Monday, I can definitely do the $20! I'm also open to working out a trade (though I'm super tent with Coy as there are multiple other people offering on them as well), though I don't think I'd be willing to do any for Mimi/Mini alone because of the worth/art difference. ^^'

thats alr !!^^ and yeah i can hold em for ya thata no problem at all ! <3

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