


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Masterlist #

+. 736


Playful. Caring. Thoughtful.
Name Maribelle
Nicknames Gummy, Loli
Age 18
Height 5ft
Occupation Barista
Sexuality Hetreosexual
Theme Song link
Designer coycoy
    Gummy is a very playful person! While gummy's real gender was male, at a very early age, gummy had been received upon a family curse that passes down to her family generation to generation, a curse where it would turn the child into the complete and opposite gender, since gummy was a boy, she was cursed to become female. While gummy doesn't usually mind the fact she often is annoyed at the fact that along with the curse, she had even been cursed to have such a large and almost insasitable appetite! She often eats large quantaties of food and prefers sweet food more so than others, despite how much she eats, gummy almost never can add any weight to herself being only around 100 pounds with a good slim body and more! Gummy often brings lots of snacks with her so she doesn't start starving or craving for food even more as her stomach mouth also has quite a large appetite because of her curse and so often gummy has to spend the day keep the mouth quiet until she's home where gummy shares her snacks and meals with the second mouth she has! Though thankfully the large stomach mouth can't consume other people and usually stays quiet at bay when gummy eats quite a bit, though despite her age, gummy can be quite childish and playful with others but can also be mature and serious when she needs to be, though she isn't the brightest of the group.