


3 years, 6 months ago



Last Edit: 12/6/20

Bearheart as a warrior

Name Bearheart

Age 22 Moons

Orientation Bisexual

Occupation Ridgeclan Warrior

Relationship Single

Voice Claim Zhongli

Previous Names Sealkit


Music Playlist

A large and sturdy tom. Grey-spotted with the markings of a seal.

Early Life

Sealkit was named during the polar bear attack, too young to quite understand what was happening around him. His mother was killed, but with her dying breath threw herself onto her kit to hide him from the bear. While the bear left, Sealkit was left stuck beneath his mother's body until the clan moved to bury her, discovering Sealkit with an infected eye injury. With the infection, he could not regain vision and now has one cloudy eye.

After his mother's death, he was adopted by Lightningstorm. When he became an apprentice he asked for a full name change, as he felt heavy trauma relating to being named after bear prey. When asked what he thought wouldnt be bear prey, he shrugged and said "i dont know, another bear?"

Despite making jokes about it, Bearpaw had to come a long way in processing his trauma to be able to make jokes, and in some way felt a kinship towards the creature that he before felt stole his life away from him. With his new name, came about an entirely new attitude towards his trauma. Bearpaw emerged from his shell, and he felt as though he was on the path that Starclan had laid out for him.

Due to this transition, Bearpaw became incredibly outspoken, looking for any way to prove himself. He would often do menial apprentice tasks without being asked simply because he didnt want others to be forced to do them.

When Sterlingcliff died, he did his upmost best to ease the pain and workload from his clanmates, and it was clear he had been hoping to become a mediator for the clan. When his best friend, Heronpaw was chosen to be mediator in his stead, Bearpaw felt crushed. Shortly after, Bearpaw was named Bearheart and became a warrior.

Connection to Starclan and Trauma

After the bear attack, growing up normal was impossible. Bear would have PTSD episodes flashing back to the attack. Being a child, he thought these were warnings from Starclan themselves.

Due to his "visions" Bear thought he had a very close relationship with Starclan. He thought he was primed to become the clan's next mediator, until his best friend Heron was made into the clan's mediator. This crushed both his hope in himself, his friend, and his connection to Starclan. It began to make him question the true origins and reality of his visions.

His unease and uncertainty regarding where he stood with Starclan forced Bearheart to receed into a shell of frustration, as he fought a silent war within himself, suddenly unsure of anything he once held as absolute fact.

After his friend Heron was killed and it was said to have been an act of Starclan, Bearheart's trust in his clanmates and in Starclan itself was shattered. Although he had trusted Starclan, it was beginning to dawn on him that his "visions" weren't from Starclan, and rather from something else that seemed to haunt him. It forced him to face the reality that he was not special in the divine scheme of things, and he became moodier and more tempermental.

Personal Life

compassionate, well-prepared, passionate bull-headed, brass, never knows when to quit







Small description here

Bearpaw was a quiet and respectful apprentice. He was always looking for a way to make life easier for the cats around him. Be that spending time with the elders, helping in the medicine den, or even doing other apprentices chores if they didn't feel like doing them.

However, late in his apprenticeship and into early warrior-hood, he became reserved and wouldn't speak to anyone unless it was to correct them, assert dominance, or if they spoke to him first. All of the friendships and positive rapport he had built was quickly burnt away by his temperment. This all came to a head when his childhood friend died, and Bearheart began picking fights with anyone who seemed to want one.


Sealkit during the bear attack.


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  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aenean ultricies, tortor tincidunt vestibulum tristique, nisi sapien placerat ante, nec rutrum metus augue vel massa.
  • Nunc id dictum dolor. Proin tristique magna lacinia massa tincidunt egestas.
  • Aliquam sodales aliquet vehicula. Etiam non tortor dui.


  • Was originally named Sealkit after the very distinct pattern on his back.
  • He has never felt a connection to gender, however is most comfortable with he/him and they/them.
  • He avoids going into the nursery due to his trauma.
  • He doesn't mourn his mother, rather the relationship he may have had with her.


Father Figure

Lightningstorm was the tom who found Bear stuck beneath his mother as a kit. He decided to raise him and treat him as his own son, providing a very caring and soft relationship. As Bearheart gets older, he finds himself resisiting asking his father for help.

Character, date.

Childhood Best Friend

As apprentices, Heron and Bear were as close as two -paw's could be. They did nearly everything together. Bearpaw did not care about Heronpaw's bloodline, insistant that everything happened for a reason, and him being half-clan couldn't possibly be bad.

However, when Heroncrumble became Ridgeclan mediator, Bearpaw was crushed. He had wanted to become mediator, and felt his friend had taken the opportunity from him. This soured Bearheart to their friendship, and thus they had a mutual falling out.

When Heron was struck by lighting at the gathering, Bear was destroyed by losing his childhood friend, thus setting the warrior on an emotional rampage.

Character, date.

Gathering-Only Flirtationship

Good friends who are well-known for sitting very close and flirting with one another during gatherings. They are both aware that this is the limit of their friendship, and encourage each other to find an actual relationship, even going so far as to try and pair each other up.