Osmand O'Malley



3 years, 5 months ago


Full Name: Osmand O'Malley

Nickname Sometimes called Oz

Age: 25

Gender (if any): Male

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Demiromantic / Asexual

Species: Human

Role: Engineer


Osmand stands at an unimpressive 5'5" with an average, if not lean, build. His eyes are large and light blue, accompanied by small eyebrows. His nose is hooked slightly and his round, short, face is framed by long, but wavy, black hair. He keeps his hair in a tight braid often slung over a shoulder or down his back. His skin has a natural tan color, indicative of his partial Arabic descent and his lips are often in a tight line. Osmand is a self-proclaimed "retro space ninja." He wears a skin tight dark colored suit with bands of light orange on it. his shoes and belt consis of too many buckles and he always is adorned in a bright orange, over-sized hoodie. The hoodie, however, is deceptive. It zip all the way up his hood and has a built in visor. He claims it can act a space suit, as it's air tight when sealed; but the amount of oxygen stored in a hoodie is barely enough for 5 breaths.

linked for size Art (c) me


While not particularly the youngest of the crew, Osmand certainly acts like it. His demeanor is childish at the best and, at the worst, rivals a 21 year old going to a bar for the first time. He's impudent and often overly assertive. He yearns for a role of leadership in the ship and tries to push for it in a subtle way, but in truth, all of his actions are far from subtle. Osmand truly is a child at heart and can be very stubborn at times, sometimes even going against direct orders if he has reason to believe that his way is better. His bright flashy style can parallel that of a 13 year old first discovering peace signs and neon. Despite all of his nuisances, Osmand can rival any earthling with his valuable skills. Having grown up around pilots and ships, Osmand knows many models inside and out, this, however, has lead to quite a bit of arrogance on his part. He can also hold his own quite well in a fight. He's quite skilled with his sword and has always been more than happy to help aid any of the marshals or officers.

Short Bio:

Osmand was born in the stars, literally, his mother gave birth on him while traveling between planets. Because of this, he has never felt right being bound to the Earth. His mother was doctor and his father was a pilot who worked on his own ships. His father was often gone on long journeys across the stars as he delivered cargo for willing clients. His mother was also rarely home as she worked long shifts into the night. For the first 10 years of his life, Osmand was alone. at the end of those years, however, Osmand's parents divorced and his father gained custody. His father's cargo ship became his new home and they rarely settled on the ground for more than a day. Osmand lived with his father like this until he was 20, at that time his father passed away and Osmand found himself the sole heir to his father's cargo ship and clients. That did not turn out so well, for 5 years Osmand did everything he could to keep the business afloat; but that would prove impossible. The ship was over 30 years old and the old hunk-of-junk could barley fly, Osmand had very little of the reputation his father had, so the few repeat clients quickly went to more commercialized airlines. Desperate for funds, Osmand sold his father's ship and enlisted to work at the Atlas.