Yuki Sakai



3 years, 6 months ago


She is the girlfriend of Giyuu. She has joined the slayer corp a couple of years after Giyuu. She knew him before he became a demon slayer. She is quite joyful (as she made a promise to a friend to become a demon slayer as well and to meet each other again when they will both become one! But she haven’t found this person yet so she tries hard to believe they will meet again !). Her personality balances with Giyuu’s which is very calm, and very quite as well :3 She also tries very hard to become stronger to be able not to be overprotected by Giyuu (who made the promise to protect her at any cost as she is the only one he loves that remains). Yuki basically thinks the same although she is not as strong as he is. She is also very emotional when it concerns the person that she cares about. (when she learns that the friend she was looking for, whose name is Makomo, was dead during the selection, it was really tragic T-T ). What else? She uses the breathe of ice, and she has a special aptitude when fighting, which is : she fights the eyes closed. She can feel presence. But once she enters in this “fight mode”, she won’t open her eyes until she really feels safe (she or the ones who she is with). FInally, she likes to tease Giyu by surprising him (with a kiss, a hug, etc) but when HE is doing it, she is quite sooooo embarrassed (as it's not what he would do usually).