Inerian Flamecloud (Baldur's Gate)



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"Don't overthink this, look in my eyes"

long story short Инериан это дроу колдунья (+ бардовский мультикласс), болтливая харизматичная раздолбайка на абсолютном расслабоне, любит внимание (не проблема потому что она трюкачка и жнец и швец и на дуде игрец короче) и немного одержима поглощением Силы и Тайных Знаний до которых может дотянуться. Хаотично нейтральное мировоззрение, думаю? Она часто делает добрые вещи, но в первую очередь прагматична и приоретезирует собственные интересы, потом интересы друзьяшек, потом уже всё остальное. Ну и это если опустить некоторые сероморальные моментики её мировосприятия и общую злопамятность...Как и то, что в применении майнд-контроля она едва ли видит проблему :)

Inerian is a young seldarine drow. She was a restless kid as long as she remembers herself, and she always wanted to be actually noticed by others while never actually being neither this talanted nor hard-working person. So it's not a big surprise that she turned out this way, becoming pretty good in all sort of attention-catching tricks: she developed her natural dexterity well, and she was basically a good actress. As well as her crossing her paths with some powerful patron entity to get cool witchcraft abilities was just a matter of time. She's mostly focusing on mental control spells, whether to avoid trouble or to impress someone more (look at this pathetic little human pleaser dependent on someone else's approval). And, uhh, should I mention she does use her powers to read other people thoughts?..

Gives off absolutelly relaxed impression, goofing around, chatting with people of all sorts and showing off. She often plays her lute or just whistls melodies nicely, shows tricks and tells stories. Basically just acting like a bard while not being one.

Clingy flirty mess :р

Coming to her alignment, I would say Neri is somewhat a chaotic neutral (with good leaning) person. She has a heart of gold, as well as [mostly] good intentions, that's true, but her obsession with consuming more and more power seems to be disturbing, and there is no kind of danger that has ever been enough to keep her away from something katching her interest. And she does preoretise her close people profit as well over whatever the hell is right or what the other people would think about it. (and there are also some to-be-mentioned nuances, conditioned with her drow socialisation)

Best friends with Karlach (though shipping them is super correct, I lomve them), Wyll and Gale. AND ASTARION, I think, though their friendship took much more time. Has something goin on with Clemence, my Dark Urge she picked up like some kind of [probably rabid] stray dog.

Design notes

  • Well, basically, she's *small* (155 cm maybe)
  • Frecklessss
  • her left eye is a hag eye (green, looks like it has cataract/blind-ish + glows in the dark)
  • Nose shape is somewhat like DA2 elves has (super straight from the profile view) y8tu7TRi0kw.jpg?size=318x400&quality=96&
  • Feel free to play with her outfit, she likes being fashion disaster


  • Pretends to be a llos drow sometimes. To be more frightening and to have fun.
  • YEAH she has something personal to tieflings can relate tho