


3 years, 6 months ago


Together in Swahili
Pam, Auntie
Pansexual Polyamorous
100% Lion
Age Range
Joined @
3 Years
Jan 11
Former Fact.
Former Rank(s)
2' 7"
Athletic Build
Eye Color
Sky Blue
Pelt Color
Cream / Light Cream
Mane Color
Dark Grey
Scars on her left side, Blind in left eye
Partially Maned Lioness
Playful: A lover of games and light hearted tomfollery, Pamoja enjoys making up childish games and letting other's join in. Clingy: Pamoja can get Clingy to those she really loves, and especially those who understand her sexuality.
Affectionous: Pamoja is very soft, and always shows fondness on those she adores. Thin Skin: Harsh words cling to Pamoja's fur, and tend to hurt her more than what other would assume to hurt her.
Friendly: Pamoja can be extremely Friendly. Always wanting to meet new lions and make friends. Anxious: Due to being thrown into a brand new land and setting, Pamoja is extremely anxious. And lost. Oh So very lost.
Strength: --


Dexiterity: --


Constitution: --


Intelligence: --


Wisdom: --


Charisma: --


The Begining

Pamjoa was born in the late spring to a group of polyamorous lions. She was the only female cub to be born to her mother, with three other boys being birthed by her mother's partner. They were all raised together, and were taught from a young age to be open minded, and to always treat other's relationships with respect. She lived with her family's wandering pride until her early teens. They had stopped by a nearby pride for a while, and Pamoja soon fell in love with a male and female lioness rather quickly. Not seeing anything wrong with her feelings, she took them both aside one night to confess her love for both of them. They both were disgusted with the idea of sharing, and demanded that Pamoja choose one of them. When she refused, they chased her away from the pride and her family, forcing her to flee far, far away.


Pamoja wandered the lands until her paws simply couldn't carry her anymore. She collapsed into a field of flowers, crying her eyes out. She let all her feelings escape her that night, before she fell asleep. When she awoke the next day, she was met with unknown lands, and unknown cats. She tried to take it all in her stride.And to her credit, she did well. She made many acquaintances, but no one she could truly be comfortable around. That was until she met him. A grumpy lion by the name of Nur. Pamjoa was practically smitten with him from the start. Soon after talking, Pamoja was invited back to the den he shared with another lioness, Who Nur had relations with. The three got along really well, and soon all three where in a relationship with each other. The Lioness gave birth to a single boy, Ashura. Pamoja adored him greatly, often spoiling the young cub whenever she could (And she could do that a lot)

War Times & The New Beginning.

War soon broke out across the lands they were staying in. The Lioness and Nur both had relations in one of the warring prides, and went to assist it, leaving Pamoja to care for Ashura. Before Nur left, he asked her to be his mate, and that they'd wed as soon as the war was over. Pamoja cared for Ashura like her own son, teaching him a few hunting skills when the coast was clear enough. One day, the water well they used to acess dried up, and Pamoja tasked herself to try and find more nearby. Making sure Ashura was safely tucked away in the cave, giving the boy a quick lick goodnight, Pamoja left to try and locate water.

Just as she located some, she was attacked by one of the warring pride members, getting raked across her face, her left eye going blind. Dazed and in a panic, she flailed around helplesly as her attacker advanced, pushing her over onto the ground before whacking her in the head, making her loose conciousness.

The next thing she knew, she was awake in a far distant land. No land marks in sight, and no scent of her family. She ran in a blind panic, searching for any sign of Ashura or Nur. After 3 days, she had to stop, and come to the haunting realisation that they were gone, And she may never see them again. She let the tears fall from her face, as she slowly picked a direction and trudged in it, walking until she couldn't walk anymore. She collapsed on the outskirts of the New jioni territory. Thirsty, Hungry and Alone.

1st Degree Relationships
Parent 1Kaisa
Parent 2Ndogo
2nd Degree Relationships
Grandparent 1(Kaisa)Fedha
Grandparent 2(Kaisa)N/A
Grandparent 3(Ndogo)N/A
Grandparent 4(Ndogo)N/A
Half SiblingsThimba, Omari & Khari
Adopted ChildrenN/A
Grand ChildrenN/A
3rd Degree Relationships
Great Grandparent 1(GrandParent 1)N/A
Great Grandparent 2(GrandParent 1)N/A
Great Grandparent 3(GrandParent 2)N/A
Great Grandparent 4(GrandParent 2)N/A
Great Grandparent 5(GrandParent 3)N/A
Great Grandparent 6(GrandParent 3)N/A
Great Grandparent 7(GrandParent 4)N/A
Great Grandparent 8(GrandParent 4)N/A
Adopted GrandChildren---
Great GrandChildren---
Code by Yoki