


3 years, 6 months ago


Base Value


Quiet • Fickle • Intelligent • Curious

Bastian would rather withdrawal into his books than have to interact with others. He loves the knowledge books could provide him and help sate his curiosity. That doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy the company of others, but he rather listen than talk. You'd be surprise how many secrets he's heard over the course of his life. Maybe he'd tell you one maybe he won't. He does like to lean against others, no problem with skinship. His likes and dislikes come and go, never really sticking to one thing for long. His house is brimming with books and knowledge, his dreamer, an old women by now, he gives her dreams of knowledge and things that'd help her in every day life. If you want him to talk, just ask about his dreamer.


  • Reading and books
  • Discovering new things
  • Listening
  • Close contact


  • Disturbing them
  • Being extremely loud
  • Having to repeat himself
  • Being told something he already knows



Living Space

Bastian lives a rather humble life by himself in a very worn down castle. Yup you read that right, castle. It belonged to his dreamer family for many generations, but when his dreamer was the last of the family and wanted to travel and go settle somewhere new but didn’t want to lose her home so through some dreams and communications. Bastian offered to settle in for them and possibly use the home to give her beautifully crafted dreams of her childhood home so she’d always have a bit of her with her.

The worn out castle truthfully is actually a large scale mansion with two a few towering towers. The grey bricks that make the exterior give it that fortress of a look. Before entering the building is a long path that leads up to the door, where there are many gardens and trees placed. In the front is a large fountain with a beautiful sculpture of a nyanarr pouring water out of a vase. A luscious green garden that makes one feel at home, despite the rather spooky at times castle.

Yet once one entered they were greeted by warmth and wooden floors with soft colored red curtains and interior. The walls a soft green that seemed to carry on that same greenery one saw outside. One has entered the foyer. The chandelier that hangs from the middle is what stands out the most before eyes drift to the double staircase that unites at the top. Forward are double doors that lead to other rooms of the house, kitchens, living rooms, studies, even a large library that is three floors of its own- a secret door revealing even more stares to go into one of the towers where rare and hidden books were placed. One of Bastian's favorite places. Before that, back in the foyer, there were two other doors, one on each side of the entrance.

To the left was the office, a large long office that once held many important meetings but now it is where all Bastian welcomes guests. One wall lined with bookcases. The other wall had a few paintings placed about. The desk was full of flowers now as it spilled over to the floor and even some hanging from the ceiling. Two large sofas were placed from across each other. It was a cozy place to receive guests at the last moment or for a quick word. The large window behind the desk showing the beautiful garden.

The room to the right though is an old room that isn’t used as much or if at all. A large open area that was large enough for a small ball. A piano was in the corner, a white sheet placed over it. While it wasn’t used, it was still maintained and kept clean. For these were the memories of his dreamers childhood and life.

Up stairs was nothing grand- though there was an entrance to the library from there too. The rest were bedrooms and baths, a living room to relax in, one of the rooms had been converted to a gaming room along with one being turned into a reading room. The library was wonderful but sometimes the large scale of it made it quite lonely. This is the room where Bastian spent most of his time, in the nook of the window with a drink and book while the fire roared. It connected to his bedroom for easy access but otherwise this is where Bastian lived and when his dreamer returned one day, he’d leave, but for now this was home.


  • Ears || Common
  • Horns || Two
  • Tail || Common
  • Uncommon || None
  • Mutation || Unnatural skin color


  • Pronouns || He/Him
  • Has skin mutation where his skin is red with darker shade of red markings.
  • Usually uses bandages to cover his eyes.
  • Does not put on any 'earrings' on his ears.
  • Tends to wear loose jeans (with rolled up bottoms) and loose shirts. With loose boots.

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